Starbucks Cup

Admin/ November 12, 2015/ Political, Rants

  I really can’t believe I am writing about this.  I feel dirty every single time I add another letter to this post. Can we just all come to grips with reality please?  A cup is offending you?  Please go back to whatever planet of stupid you came from and stay there.  Stop infecting us with your uselessness. Real talk

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Too Early for Christmas

Admin/ November 9, 2015/ Rants

This is a message for many of my American friends, but is not limited to just that country.  It is November. DO NOT POST YOUR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS YET For the sake of civil people everywhere just don’t do it.  Just please.   Wait til the night of December 24th if not later.  The sane world will very much appreciate it.

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Jews and double standards

Admin/ November 5, 2015/ Rants

  I have covered this topic before.  I have covered this topic many, many times on this blog and other places.  This issue also applies to other minority groups, namely Autistics, Schizophrenics, Gays,  and Gypsies among others.  But today I will be focusing on how these double standards affect the Jewish people. Lets look at Israel.  The Jewish country and

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Why I love Halloween

Admin/ October 31, 2015/ Rants

  I have always loved October 31.  It is the final day of the year I enjoy before the back to back Hallmark holidays that remind me why I hate people. Holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, (with its abhorrent music) and worst of all, Valentines Day.  Better known to me as the day every worthless person in America feels the

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The Florida Bear Hunt

Admin/ October 27, 2015/ Rants

Before I begin, many of the people who frequent my blog will not like this post.  Many who read this will be expecting my opinion to be on a certain side.  I will warn you, that on this issue, it is not how it seems.  With that out of the way, let us begin. Let me begin by saying I

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Peace and Tranquility

Admin/ October 25, 2015/ Rants

  As of the writing of this post, I live in Florida.  It is perpetually warm here.  There is no winter to speak of.  There is ample sunshine which is good for my emotional state. As I write the words on the page, I am reclining on my outdoor couch, staring out at the parking lot before me.  I would

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Life Parallels With Illidan Stormrage

Admin/ October 23, 2015/ Rants, Video Games

  As many gamers grow up, they find that one video game character that they realize is basically a more fantastic version of themselves.  For me, that character was and is Illidan Stormrage.   You are not prepared for me to drop this joke so I’ll just get that out of the way.  Ok, now lets continue.   I have

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Back to The Present

Admin/ October 21, 2015/ Rants

  Today is the day where back to the future becomes the present.  10/21/2015 is the day that the characters who have captivated us all for many years arrive.  But looking around, I think they traveled to another dimension too.  Things look awfully weird in this back to the future (present) world. I want to know where the hover boards

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The Power of Hate

Admin/ September 24, 2015/ Rants

  The internet would lead you to believe that love is equated with justice, honor, and goodness.  I am here today to bring the counterpoint:  That these ideas are false.  That these premises are false.  I will be using stupid amounts of Pathos to make this argument, so if you don’t like that, go elsewhere. Growing up I was raised

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