Back to The Present

Admin/ October 21, 2015/ Rants


Today is the day where back to the future becomes the present.  10/21/2015 is the day that the characters who have captivated us all for many years arrive.  But looking around, I think they traveled to another dimension too.  Things look awfully weird in this back to the future (present) world.

I want to know where the hover boards are.  That clothing the people wear looks kinda neat, if not inefficient and lacking in comfort.  And while the Cubs are in the playoffs, it still is 1908 forever until they win.

Still, there are some cool things we have that this other world lacks.  Namely better computers and phones.  But I am blinded by the mediocrity of my life with all of these things and… oh someone give me a hover board right now!

But while we look at what we have and do not have, I am also looking into the future.  As a science fiction writer, I am spending much of today conceptualizing future tech to incorporate into my books.

Until the next future becomes the present, Happy Back to the Future Day!

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