Yom Kippur: Fasting

Admin/ September 22, 2015/ Rants

  Yom Kippur begins tonight and while many non Jews (and Jews) see it as a day of fasting, this is not the central theme of the day.  Of course I have written about that issue in the past, so here I am going to address a little tidbit I have found with the fasting itself. A common saying one

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New Year

Admin/ September 13, 2015/ Rants

Rosh Hashana is upon us, and I want to take this time to digress from my normally odd and angry blog posts, to wish each and every one of you a wonderful and sweet new year. I take this time to wish that you have nothing but success for this upcoming year.  I also take this time to begin the

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A New Path

Admin/ September 5, 2015/ Rants

  Between my Birthday and assessing both my situations financially and as far as school is concerned, I decided to finally take that leap of faith, that plunge that I had held off making for so many years now. After Yesterday, I walked away from my day job.  I will no more be locked into the standard 9 to 5

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Happy Birthday to My Grammy

Admin/ September 2, 2015/ Rants

As my last blog post reflected on the tragedy of death, this next one will celebrate life. As I said in my other blog post, today is my Grandmother’s Birthday.  It may be one of the greatest joys for her to receive her first grandson the day before her special day.  On this special day now, that grandson writes a

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Remembering My Papa

Admin/ August 31, 2015/ Rants

  August 31 has never been a day I have looked forward to.  While 1998 seems like an eternity ago in numbers, it still seems like it was too close to comfort. On that day all those years ago my Papa was finally bested by the Lung Cancer that he had been fighting for many years.  He was stubborn to

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Three Types of People I see in the world

Admin/ August 28, 2015/ Rants

  There is a quote that I was a fan of when I first watched American Sniper.  “There are three types of people, Sheep Wolves, and Sheep Dogs.”  While this quote can be used to represent the world, I think there is a better analyze the different types of people. Instead, I think the quote should be as follows:  “The

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A Most Productive Day

Admin/ August 21, 2015/ Rants

You may have noticed if you follow my blog, but as of late, I have not been writing as much.  I have been distraught, tired, and depressed all the time.  I have not had the energy to really do much of anything and had felt myself wasting away.  That ended today. Today has been one of the most productive days

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Awesomeness of Nature

Admin/ August 12, 2015/ Rants

  This one should be a given.   Nature is incredible.  Sometimes we spend so much time reflecting on how as a race we can best control this force that we forget to watch this thing that guides our world in action. Today while at work, I got to watch firsthand in a pretty amazing experience. It did not start

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Five Things No One Tells you About Asperger’s Syndrome

Admin/ July 31, 2015/ Rants

This post is a combination of click bait and Cracked.com formatting.  Here we go 1) Communication goes out the window… Both Directions   It is commonly known that people on the Autism Spectrum including Asperger’s Syndrome (Which I will abbreviate as AS from here on out)  have trouble reading body language which is considered to be the most important aspect

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Returning to College

Admin/ July 27, 2015/ Rants

  These last few years have been a wild ride.  In and out of multiple jobs.  Finally realizing that working retail is the greatest cancer in the job world.  Getting a book published.  Creating this blog also happened. This summer I began taking online course again to make up or a more than 2 year lapse in my education.  Still

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