David Bowie

Admin/ January 15, 2016/ Rants

This is the start of a two parter (hopefully not 3) blog post.  As two men that I have much respect for died within a couple days of each other, I will be writing posts to honor them both.  today I will be talking about David Bowie. To say that life was difficult, would be an understatement in Bowie’s case.

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Tel Aviv

Admin/ January 11, 2016/ Political, Rants

  The news is always abuzz with information about Israel.  Most of it incredibly biased.  Most also making this country out to be an incredibly violent place.  Today tough I will barely speak about any of these things.  Instead, I’m gonna talk a little about the city pictured above. Tel Aviv is likely not what the average person thinks of

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Accomplishments of 2015

Admin/ December 31, 2015/ Rants

  Sometimes as I fight back all the negativity in my life, I have to look back and see what things I did manage to accomplish this year.  Like with my last post, I will do this in a list format. Completely (re)wrote The End of Utopia, the first of many novels in the Search for Eden Series. Completed Masters

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Bucket List

Admin/ December 28, 2015/ Rants

  What follows is a list of goals I have before I die that have not been met. Climb the tallest mountain on each continent. Marry a Jewish Woman Run a marathon in all 50 states in the USA Visit Romania Go to the haunted Island in Italy See all of Europe Explore Japan, South Korea, China, India Visit Russia

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Merry Christmas from this Jew, to you

Admin/ December 25, 2015/ Rants

  I’ll keep this brief as most of you are with your families.  I wish you a happy holiday and new year.  And if you do not celebrate Christmas, I hope whatever you may be doing on this day is going well. (or at least as well as everything being closed can.) As for me, unlike many of my fellow

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Back on Track

Admin/ December 19, 2015/ Rants

  Its been a while since I was able to write properly.  I have been overwhelmed with my job and other issues in my life that have been over shadowing my life.  Things that have been preventing me from doing what matters in my life. But that changed this week.  Due to an opportunity presented by my computer having a

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8th Night of Hanukkah

Admin/ December 13, 2015/ Rants

  For the first time in many years, my expectations for an event has been exceeded.  As I outlined in another post, I despise this time of the year. The holidays are a time for people to visit their pasts, go back to where they once were.  My past is fraught with weakness and regret.  I wish to never revisit

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Running Again with Team Regiment

Admin/ December 11, 2015/ Rants

  After I finished T3, I hit a slump partially caused by a string of horrible jobs and partially due to apathy and neglected to keep my body in shape.  I started struggling with depression, a mindset that I had thought long defeated and buried. The lack of Dopamine influx was having quite a number on my mental stability. Still

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Admin/ November 21, 2015/ Rants

  I wanted to take some time and reflect on what I have accomplished over the last year.  I have written an entire novel, have a blog with almost 5000 views and have gained the confidence to manage a website and promote myself.  I am the most free I have ever been. But the work is only beginning.  I have

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Fear: The Most Powerful Emotion

Admin/ November 18, 2015/ Rants

  There is a famous saying that love conquers all.  But this is a foolish notion.  Love is itself a derivative of a far more potent emotion. Fear. When you love someone, that is an example of fear, the fear of losing them. When you hate someone, that is an example of fear, the fearing of losing to them. When

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