Surviving the Quarantine: Post 8

Admin/ June 13, 2020/ Books, Dungeons and Dragons, Political, Quarantine, Rants, Video Games

I’m back with Surviving the Quarantine Part 8. The world went quite crazy last week and helped distract me from personal problems. Make sure to check out the entire series here. I reference the older parts frequently. Unfortunately, as the rallies join Coronavirus as the new normal, my mental illness struck out again. I had resigned depression to being the

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Surviving the Quarantine: Post 6

Admin/ May 29, 2020/ Anime, Books, Dungeons and Dragons, Political, Quarantine, Rants, Video Games

I’m still here, and presenting my Surviving the Quarantine Post 6. Depression hangs over me clawing at my consciousness. But Anxiety is now in the driver’s seat and taking control of my thoughts. Hopefully the Coronavirus Lock-down will not last another 17 weeks, but to build a true habit, I hypothetically need to write that many more articles. Be sure

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Surviving the Quarantine: Post 4

Admin/ May 15, 2020/ Anime, Books, Political, Quarantine, Rants, Video Games

Hot on the trails of increasing misery, here is my Surviving the Quarantine Post 4. 19 times left before this becomes a permanent habit. Be sure to check out the first, second, and third parts as well. Politics Strikes Again: My finances have only deteriorated further from when I last wrote about it. Despite my hours at my job being

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Me Being Obnoxious to Obnoxious People: Part 6

Admin/ April 13, 2018/ Rants

Its been an interesting couple of weeks.  The funny was forced to be pushed off last week thanks to a few changes in getting published on new platforms.  But that no longer will prevent me from the silly, the shocking, and the bold.  I bring you three more individuals that needed to be out in their place. Person 1: An

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Me Being Obnoxious to Obnoxious People: Part 5

Admin/ March 28, 2018/ Rants

I may have applied for my intent to graduate this week, but that hardly means I have to behave like an adult all the time.  This week I got back into my stride and ran into far more people that needed to be knocked down a peg. Person 1: Another Angry Gun Nut It is very easy to anger gun

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Me Being Obnoxious to Obnoxious People: Part 4

Admin/ March 21, 2018/ Rants

Spring Break has come to an end which means I’ll be forced to deal with more obnoxious people again this week.  However, this does little to add entertainment for the sake of this blog post.  Just like last week, there are only a couple encounters.  I promise to do better next week. Person 1: A Pokemon Battler In direct contrast

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Me Being Obnoxious to Obnoxious People: Part 3

Admin/ March 14, 2018/ Rants

This is a continuation of me dealing with some of the trash that humanity has to offer in a way that seeks to entertain.  Sadly, as I have been doing little over this week besides Pokemon Go and relaxing at home, my encounters with lunatics has been more limited. Example 1: Anti Pokemon Go People It should be apparent from

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Me Being Obnoxious to Obnoxious People: Part 2

Admin/ March 7, 2018/ Rants

After my trial run last week, I have decided to continue this comedy blog idea once a week. Example 1: SGA Campaigners The first event of the week happened at UCF, a school that still takes up a disproportionate amount of my life. During the week it was SGA Elections which brings out the most obnoxious people in the school. 

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