Me Being Obnoxious to Obnoxious People: Part 1

Admin/ February 28, 2018/ Rants

Many times in my life, I have been told by others that I should record every word that comes out of my mouth.  At first I was confused by such a statement.  I always assumed people wanted to hear less of me, not more.  But after enough times of being pointed out at how much comedy gold I come up

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The Illusion of Freedom

Admin/ September 20, 2017/ Rants

  Growing up like so many in the United States, I was taken in with the awe of such a country where people were free to practice their own religion or believe generally whatever they wanted. This idealistic situation would have not even three hundred years ago have been seen as possible.  Such a utopia we were living in! But

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Why I turned my Back on God

Admin/ July 17, 2017/ Rants

  Anyone who knows me well understands that I am apologetically Jewish, even the name of this entire blog should tell a stranger this truth.  However, the more and more I understand the Torah, and other related texts, the less I trust the one who created it, and by proxy, created me. Perhaps it is through my love of Cosmic

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Writing a Story and Breaking Writer’s Block

Admin/ April 25, 2017/ Rants

  There are many things to consider when one decides to write a story.  All of these things can seem overwhelming too.  Where should I start? What direction do I take? What do I create?  Why will the reader care about this story? Should they care about this story? By no means are any of the above the most important

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Using Darkness to Change the World

Admin/ February 11, 2017/ Books, Rants, Video Games

  Writing and I have had a fairly symbiotic relationship since I was very young.  I am one of those weird children who enjoyed writing far more than reading at first.  I discovered as I grew older that the reason behind this was as a result of me being both bored and disillusioned by what I was forced to read

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An Honest Review of Myself

Admin/ January 28, 2017/ Rants

  Thanks to a really intriguing class prompt, I got to do some self reflection. My top ten list would be: Power Leadership Purpose Influence Freedom Security Courage Wealth Truth Introspection To the surprise of no one, I am an ENTJ: The commander.  I have taken the Meyers Briggs Test 200 times now and gotten this result 199 times.  I

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Unpopular Opinion: Florida is not as Fucked up as it Seems

Admin/ January 2, 2017/ Political, Rants

    It is hard to go more than a day without seeing Florida in the news in some form.  Scandals with our government one day, some freak accident involving an animal the next, you would think that Florida would have a fence with barbed wire all around it.  But speaking as a resident of the states, there is no

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My 2016: A Year in Review

Admin/ December 31, 2016/ Rants

  I figure as 2016 ends today, I might as well reflect on the year.  This has been an unusual year for both myself and the world, it seems.  I managed to accomplish quite a lot in the span of 12 months and I should feel good about these accomplishments.  Most of my complaints come from the larger problems that

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Holiday Reflection

Admin/ December 24, 2016/ Rants

  It is little secret that the months of November, December, January and February are my least favorite part of the year.  When I lived up north, that meant perpetual cold and less sunlight.  And while I am a person of darkness who revels in it, I do not enjoy the cold that goes alongside it in the long winter

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New Monday Posts: Unpopular Opinion

Admin/ December 19, 2016/ Rants

  I’ll be frank with this post.  While the Tinfoil Hat idea was loads of fun at first, the political world has become so confusing over the last month or so to the point where fact, fiction, satire and reality have become so intermingled and so interchangeable that I have grown bogged down by it.  Between  now and January I

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