Mentally Ill Human Race

Admin/ July 31, 2017/ Political

  I have tried my best to avoid politics in my blog posts.  I have tried even harder to do them without mentioning our commander in tweet, but with LGBT rights in the cross hairs yet again, I have emerged from the shadows, with my opinion. Lets say that you see the genetics of an individual.  The code listed is

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Re blogged Post from a class

Admin/ January 16, 2017/ Political

  Below is what I wrote in response to a prompt in a Civics Class about an issue I care about greatly. And on this Martin Luther King Day, I decided to share it with the rest of you. Although I already participate in the conversation about the Israeli Palestinian Conflict, I have a voice that is rarely heard in

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Unpopular Opinion: BDS needs to go… For the Sake of Liberalism

Admin/ January 9, 2017/ Political

  The first half of the title is barely unpopular, its the second half that stirs controversy. For those of you who do not know, BDS stands for Boycott, Divest, Sanction.  They are a movement that exists to boycott goods that benefit Israel at the Palestinian expense.  Recently I was able to be at a meeting where what the organization

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Unpopular Opinion: Florida is not as Fucked up as it Seems

Admin/ January 2, 2017/ Political, Rants

    It is hard to go more than a day without seeing Florida in the news in some form.  Scandals with our government one day, some freak accident involving an animal the next, you would think that Florida would have a fence with barbed wire all around it.  But speaking as a resident of the states, there is no

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Political Commentary from a Close Friend

Admin/ November 6, 2016/ Political

    Normally on the weekend, I would write my opinion about a political issue, but as the election is pending a few days (I already voted) I was looking for something a else to write about.  However, a close friend of mine wrote something very insightful, and with their permission, I have been granted the ability to share their

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Tin Foil Hat: The Cold War Never Ended

Admin/ October 24, 2016/ Political, Rants

  I know I know, the first thought reading that headline is “Gorbachev, Tear Down That Wall!!!” And immediately thoughts move next to the fact that the wall separating Germany in two indeed came down.  But is it possible that rather than the Soviet Union giving up, it just decided to play a much longer game? Welcome to this weeks

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The Controversy of the Temple Mount

Admin/ October 15, 2016/ Political, Rants

  For those of you who have not been paying attention to this issue (which I assume is many since there are a lot of issues circulating the webs right now) the United Nations has moved forward with passing laws that would ban all non Muslims from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  This same legislation also seeks to remove that

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Tin Foil Hat: 3rd Party Votes Will be Changed by Fraud

Admin/ October 3, 2016/ Political

  I pride myself on creating headlines that upset people, and what kind of tinfoil hat conspiracy theory does not upset people? Anyway, on with the show. A lot of people are fed up with America’s choice for president being between a turd sandwich and giant douche as South Park wonderfully coined, and are looking into third party votes.  However,

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Tin Foil Hat: Political Debates are all Scripted

Admin/ September 26, 2016/ Political

  I am writing this post as I watch the 2016 US Presidential Election so I am bringing emotions into a blog post about conspiracy theories.  I know that is like heresy and all but I will continue anyway. Lets look at this debate right now.  Neither candidate really looks like they are thinking or trying to figure things out.

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