Tin Foil Hat: The Oil Barons are Blowing up their Own Pipelines

Admin/ September 19, 2016/ Political, Rants

  Been a long time since I blogged.  Lots of stuff holding me back, but no more!  Back to conspiracy theories, and this week, featuring a hot topic:  Oil Pipes! By now many people have heard about the pipeline being built on Native American Land, as well as the protests by said Native Americans, and the said counter protests of

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Tin Foil Hat Monday: Austria Is Cursed

Admin/ August 15, 2016/ Political, Rants

  Constantly people like to make jokes about France and the countries’ inability to win wars. This is not even true in modern day, but I have never understood why France is the target of such labels, especially when there is such a country that is an absolute failure at winning wars. And that country is Austria.  Notice though that

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Tin Foil Hat: The Second Amendment

Admin/ August 1, 2016/ Political, Rants

  Welcome to the Tin Foil Hat Monday’s were I will scare you with horrific conspiracy theories.   For today’s what if scenario: The dreaded Second Amendment. The second Amendment allows Americans to carry guns as well as allow a well regulated militia to exist.  Today we will ignore the legal battles that are ensuing over this law, for they

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My Thoughts on Briexit

Admin/ June 30, 2016/ Political

  There is a slogan shoved down the throat of every student in a history class: “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” In my experiences, people managed to ignore the entire history class, on top of the books.   And Britain’s exit from the European Union does an incredible job at showing this ignorance.  This was an

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Admin/ June 14, 2016/ Political

  This most recent shooting hit way to close to home, literally.  I live 20 miles from the Nightclub that was attacked.  I have been to this venue a few times and know a few of the frequent patrons. And just because I am not gay myself, does not mean that I have no business being in a place like

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Memorial Day: 2016

Admin/ May 30, 2016/ Political

  As I look around at the chaos of our election, the growing income inequality problems, and a whole host of other issues that remain I become sickened as I reflect this Memorial Day. On one hand, people celebrate the beginning of summer and use what is supposed to be a day of quiet remembrance as a day for parties,

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Admin/ May 11, 2016/ Political, Rants

    For my 200th blog post, I wanted to do something a little different.   Today is Yom Haatzmaut the day that Israel declared its independence and marked for the first time in so long that the Jewish people had our own homeland again.  Unfortunately, the world is not kind to the Jewish people.  War was and is inevitable

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Why Israel’s Existence is the Only Hope the Palestinians Have

Admin/ April 18, 2016/ Political, Rants

  It is becoming overwhelmingly disturbing, the amounts of propaganda being thrown at the Jewish people, especially the ones who live in Israel as well as the countries supporters.  The media would have you believe that the word Zionist is akin to a Klansman or a Neo Nazi. And what makes me even more sick.  Sick to the point that

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The Democracy Spring

Admin/ April 13, 2016/ Political

  For many years now, I have watched and waited for a sign.  For some indicator that change was on the horizon.  I know what signs to look for. First comes the wealth and power being held by a privileged few. Next comes everyone else suffering to prop up the people described in the first point. Then comes a few

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How to Stop Rising Terrorism

Admin/ March 19, 2016/ Political

    I am seeing lots of different people not limited to: experts, politicians, libertarians, and other self proclaimed know it alls point out and go into detail about how to deal with Terrorism in the world. Many of those plans include either blowing them up or leaving them alone. I’m gonna propose a radical idea here.  NEITHER of these

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