What it Means to be a Slytherin

Admin/ April 3, 2016/ Books, Movies, Rants

  Frequently I am asked by friends and other peers which House from Harry Potter I belong to.  When I replay Slytherin without a pause to ponder the question, it tends to unnerve people. And why would it not?  Voldemort, and almost every villain in the Harry Potter Universe belongs to that house. Some people may wonder if my choice

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How the Dread Wastes Sums Up the United States Political Climate

Admin/ March 13, 2016/ Rants

    The political Climate of America is visibly unstable at the moment.  Riots and protests are becoming commonplace.  Hatred is gaining ground.  Hopelessness is seizing the minds of idealists. Cynics are going forward with the told you so mentality.   It can be hard for those who are trying to understand the dark shift in politics to see every

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Asocial Verses Antisocial

Admin/ March 9, 2016/ Rants

  Two terms listed in the title.  And only one of them is used correctly. The picture above explains this post well. It annoys me to no end that people use both these words incorrectly. Most notably by my own kind. To my fellow Aspies, you are NOT Anti Social.  A person with that classification is our antithesis. The person

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The Majesty of Vashj’ir

Admin/ March 6, 2016/ Rants, Video Games

      Today I want to talk about a place in the Warcraft Universe that is incredibly polarizing as well as in my opinion, one of the most beautiful places in World of Warcraft.   Vashj’ir is an almost completely underwater area added in the Cataclysm Expansion of World of Warcraft and is incredibly unique in this regard.  It

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Cycling As a Form of Anti Depressant

Admin/ March 1, 2016/ Rants

  Lately you may have noticed that I have not been keeping up to date on my blog posts. Job has been tough.  Not been making anywhere near enough money to survive.  My car is deteriorating.  I have felt completely worthless as far as my lot in life has held for me at this moment. But the problem with depression

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The Crazy Paradox of my Existence

Admin/ February 22, 2016/ Rants

  Asperger’s Syndrome, Judaism, and The Jung Style Commander are all clearly defined type of individuals. An individual with Aspergers Syndrome is known to be smart, but timid.  Wanting to make friends, but not sure how to do so.  Speaking boldly but not able to hold other’s attention for long.  Bringing up unusual facts that no one cares about.  They

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February 14th: The Day That is Cursed

Admin/ February 14, 2016/ Rants

  Thanks to the Hallmark Holiday nature of Valentines Day, it is quite impossible to ignore it.  But worst of all is when in my life, this day has turned to a day of nightmare and only part of it is due to the actual nature of Valentines Day. What follows is a recount of some of the very darkest

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Campfire in the Dark

Admin/ February 9, 2016/ Rants

  There is a metaphor I am fond of that describes my life perfectly. Imagine you are lost in a cave.  You are desperately looking for the way out.  You wander, seemingly alone in the darkness.  But unfortunately, dark creatures inhibit this cave.  They refuse to let themselves be seen.  Their red eyes are aimed at you.  And as there

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Holocaust Remembrance Day

Admin/ January 27, 2016/ Rants

  Today has been named a day to remember the Holocaust.  For obvious reasons this is an event that has shaped who I am, and not just because of my religious faith. But as I look around, I become worried about the world.  Has the world forgotten about this genocide so quickly? We always say when the Holocaust is brought

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Alan Rickman

Admin/ January 19, 2016/ Movies, Rants

  This is the second of 2 parts detailing and honoring two great men who have left this world for things unknown.  Today, I will speak about Alan Rickman. Best known for playing the role of Severus Snape in Harry Potter, Alan Rickman was known by his friends and family as a warm hearted individual he devoted much time to

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