Tin Foil Hat Mondays

Admin/ July 25, 2016/ Rants

  I decided to start a new project and plan to be doing this each Monday from here in out. Lately I have had problems constantly writing, and when I do, I usually have trouble deciding on what I want to make my focus.  So rather than continue with a system that does not work, I am going to assign

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10 Things to Keep in Mind When Friends with an Aspie Adult

Admin/ July 17, 2016/ Rants

  So I took a break from the many social media crazes and am writing a post that shows what is on my mind right now.  A nice checklist for many of you. This list of behaviors from people on the spectrum is not an end all be all list as people with Asperger’s are each unique people.  These are

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7 Great Female Protagonists

Admin/ June 22, 2016/ Anime, Books, Movies, Rants, Video Games

I constantly see complaints on the internet about the lack of Female Characters that are constructed well, especially within the context of the Fantasy Science Fiction Genre. Today, I will be bringing to light characters that are when the writer(s) break these stereotypes and create satisfying characters that happen to be women too. First, I should point out what I

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Fathers Day 2016

Admin/ June 19, 2016/ Rants

  Today is father’s day, and as I work along with the rest of the City of Orlando to put a nasty tragedy behind me, I look around to be thankful for what I have.   I am blessed to have a Dad that allows me to choose (within reason) how I live my life and respects my decisions, even

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My Brother’s Birthday

Admin/ June 4, 2016/ Rants

  Today is my brother Scott’s Birthday.  And like for my Mother, I wanted to write a blog post for him. Just a few weeks ago, Scott graduated from college.  Hes on his way to bigger and better things in the sports industry dealing with media and production.  And I can tell based on his experiences and what he has

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Admin/ May 11, 2016/ Political, Rants

    For my 200th blog post, I wanted to do something a little different.   Today is Yom Haatzmaut the day that Israel declared its independence and marked for the first time in so long that the Jewish people had our own homeland again.  Unfortunately, the world is not kind to the Jewish people.  War was and is inevitable

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Mother’s Day

Admin/ May 8, 2016/ Rants

  As I wrote a blog post for my Mom’s Birthday just a few weeks ago, I felt that if I wrote a blog post again for Mother’s Day, that it would have been basically the same with a few nouns changed.  And to some degree, that’s perfectly fine. Its a testament to how amazing my Mom is that I

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Musical Dissonance In Video Games

Admin/ May 1, 2016/ Rants, Video Games

  As I have said in posts in the past, music is especially important to me.  I listen to it while I write just about everything.  It sets my mood when I am thinking.  And as the context of the title of this post already hints at, it serves as queues for me when playing a video game. I recognize

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My Mother’s Birthday

Admin/ April 25, 2016/ Rants

  Today is my Mom’s Birthday.  Even though I am roughly 1200 miles away from you, distance does not stop me from thinking about you ever day. My mom has always been a hard worker who fights against the odds.  She stands firm in being a teacher while living in a country that has made it its mission to destroy

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Why Israel’s Existence is the Only Hope the Palestinians Have

Admin/ April 18, 2016/ Political, Rants

  It is becoming overwhelmingly disturbing, the amounts of propaganda being thrown at the Jewish people, especially the ones who live in Israel as well as the countries supporters.  The media would have you believe that the word Zionist is akin to a Klansman or a Neo Nazi. And what makes me even more sick.  Sick to the point that

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