Tin Foil Hat: Conspiracy Theories are Conspiracies

Admin/ December 14, 2016/ Rants

  After watching a favorite South Park Episode, I was reminded of the title statement.  Conspiracy theories are many in the world, talked about on a message board near you, every minute of every day. So it should be no surprise that sometimes, the purpose behind these theories is not what it seems. Which is what we will delve into

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Tin Foil Hat: The Cold War Never Ended

Admin/ October 24, 2016/ Political, Rants

  I know I know, the first thought reading that headline is “Gorbachev, Tear Down That Wall!!!” And immediately thoughts move next to the fact that the wall separating Germany in two indeed came down.  But is it possible that rather than the Soviet Union giving up, it just decided to play a much longer game? Welcome to this weeks

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The Controversy of the Temple Mount

Admin/ October 15, 2016/ Political, Rants

  For those of you who have not been paying attention to this issue (which I assume is many since there are a lot of issues circulating the webs right now) the United Nations has moved forward with passing laws that would ban all non Muslims from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  This same legislation also seeks to remove that

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Fiction Tuesday: The Problem with Reality Warpers

Admin/ October 11, 2016/ Rants

  Imagine you are playing the lottery, but instead of money being the grand prize, instead it is super powers.  And against all odds, you won the grand prize.  Congratulations, you are now a Reality Warper! What does that mean?  Why you have every single power possible and are essentially unbeatable!  Someone defeated you, you can make it so they

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Tin Foil Hat: Schools Condition Kids to not Read

Admin/ October 10, 2016/ Rants

  Its amazing how unlike many of the other posts I have written, that I doubt that many will disagree with the title. Think back to what you read in grade school and high school.  Pretty boring stuff right? But did it ever occur to anyone that maybe, just maybe that this was intentional?  Especially when you compare what you

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Tin Foil Hat: The Oil Barons are Blowing up their Own Pipelines

Admin/ September 19, 2016/ Political, Rants

  Been a long time since I blogged.  Lots of stuff holding me back, but no more!  Back to conspiracy theories, and this week, featuring a hot topic:  Oil Pipes! By now many people have heard about the pipeline being built on Native American Land, as well as the protests by said Native Americans, and the said counter protests of

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Tin Foil Hat Monday: Austria Is Cursed

Admin/ August 15, 2016/ Political, Rants

  Constantly people like to make jokes about France and the countries’ inability to win wars. This is not even true in modern day, but I have never understood why France is the target of such labels, especially when there is such a country that is an absolute failure at winning wars. And that country is Austria.  Notice though that

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Fiction Tuesday: 7 Great Female Antagonists

Admin/ August 2, 2016/ Anime, Books, Rants, Video Games

While it has carved out a niche for this blog on Tuesday, this post has been long in the making and is the sister of one I wrote almost a month ago.  While that one focused on fantastic heroines to aspire to be, this article will focus on some of the best female villains to secretly want to emulate. Many

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Tin Foil Hat: The Second Amendment

Admin/ August 1, 2016/ Political, Rants

  Welcome to the Tin Foil Hat Monday’s were I will scare you with horrific conspiracy theories.   For today’s what if scenario: The dreaded Second Amendment. The second Amendment allows Americans to carry guns as well as allow a well regulated militia to exist.  Today we will ignore the legal battles that are ensuing over this law, for they

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