Dungeons and Dragons Day 19: Shaken Up Status Quo

Admin/ June 24, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

New Alliances: The party left the caves with the dreamscape experiences still on their minds. Or rather the Monk, Barbarian/Warlock and their new companion the Paladin did.  The others still were no where to be found.  After some initial suspicion, the two senior members of the group decided to give the Paladin a chance after a successful persuasion check.  After

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 17: Lost in A Dream

Admin/ June 10, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

The Ropers Fall The Ropers continued to pose a serious threat to the party as they fought for their very survival. The Barbarian Warlock was getting serious mileage out of casting Armor of Agathys.  The tentacles of the Ropers did not deal any actual damage and thus, despite being grappled, the Barbarian Warlock was getting free hits on the main bodies.

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 16: Betrayal

Admin/ May 13, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

The clock was running and the party needed to get into a council meeting to figure out the succession crisis.  Needing 4 house approvals was becoming difficult.  One of the allied houses was forcing the party to a day long trial that they could not afford to compete in.  That left the enemy houses. House Bronzebuckle: The party debated at

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 15: Contrived Coincidences

Admin/ May 5, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

Battle with Drow: The Party was still split up when things began again.  The Death Knight and Gonk found themselves against a Water Elemental.  Meanwhile, The Barbarian/Warlock and the Monk found themselves tied up by a group of Drow. The Barbarian/Warlock used one of his final spells to free himself and the Monk.  Quickly the attacked the group of Drow,

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 14: Divisons

Admin/ April 29, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

A new day dawned and the Death Knight, Monk, and Barbarian Warlock went to the other two allied houses to learn more about them.  The three also desired the ability to sit in on council meetings.  The only way to do this was to gain approval from 4 of the 6 noble houses. Only 1 house, Metalbuckle was willing to

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 13: Fires, Tunnels, Spiders

Admin/ April 23, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

With no time to lose and a Dwarf Succession crisis to begin to resolve, the party returned to the tunnels beneath the Dwarven City.  With the paper they had collected, a route to The Slavers Den had been revealed. And there was only a door leading to an unexplored room standing between the group and that hideaway. Knowing there might

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 12: A New Ally

Admin/ April 8, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

The morning after the Players arrived in the Dwarven City, they discussed in their lodgings what to do first.  Their goal was to understand the political arrangements within the Dwarven City. Deciding to talk to commoners first, the group elected to ask the guards for directions to the slums. Runeforge: On the way, the Death Knight was approached by a

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 11: The Road to a Dwarven City

Admin/ April 1, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

Into the Tunnels: The party was ready to get to the Dwarven City. The exiled prince revealed his name: Fodrin The group followed the Dwarf into the tunnels.  Quickly the group noticed the unique beauty of these caves.  Mushrooms gave light to the darkness.  A unique bluish hue showed the way forwards. The cave system had once been a tomb

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Dungeons and Dragons Day 10: Great Ape

Admin/ March 26, 2018/ Dungeons and Dragons

The Transformation: The party left the City with all haste with a full moon flickering in the night sky.  Despite the group’s best wishes to escape the city unnoticed, this turned out to not work.  They were attacked by a young Red Dragon who proclaimed that “In the name of Lady Orabaras, the Death Knight would be reclaimed.”   The Monk

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