Fighting With Despair

Admin/ March 14, 2015/ Rants

  Some of you may know this, but others do not.  I have had an ongoing battle with depression for most of my life.  That feeling of hopelessness called despair, is even now, a constant companion.  Fear of failure stalks me at every turn.  The feeling that I need to succeed to be happy is my one ambition.  But deep

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Questions to my Readers

Admin/ March 8, 2015/ Rants

  So I have decided every so often to write a Blog Post to gain feedback from my viewers.  This is one of those posts. I seek to write about an assortment of topics that are relevant in today’s world as well as provide insight into ideas that are important to everyone.  I also seek to educate about issues that

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Ways People Try to Make the World a Better Place That Do Not Work

Admin/ March 6, 2015/ Rants

  There are lots of people who in the world who strive to improve the world.  sadly, many of them are misinformed about how to go about doing so.  Today I will outline these ways that people are failing to improve the world. The first way I will outline, is the person who refuses to use plastic bags at the

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Purim and what it means this year

Admin/ March 4, 2015/ Rants

  Tonight begins the Jewish Holiday of Purim.  Quite frankly this is the greatest Jewish holiday ever.  We read a special biblical text called the Magillah and are commanded to get completely intoxicated beforehand.  The reason for this is so that as we rad the story of Esther, we cannot tell villain from hero. For those of you unfamiliar with

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Silence is not the Answer

Admin/ February 28, 2015/ Political, Rants

  Over the last few months, political issues have exploded all over social media as well as news and comedy media.  While I certainly have problems with the bias of the information as it is presented, I prefer information that I am forced to read through very carefully over complete silence. I have seen an alarmingly high number of people

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Admin/ February 26, 2015/ Rants

  I know I am super late to the party on this issue, but I want to offer my perspective on this one.  Being on the spectrum makes this a very important issue to me. Lately, Vaccines have become a major issue in politics in case you were not aware.  There are people claiming that Vaccines cause Autism (and other

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Admin/ February 24, 2015/ Rants

  Every so often a day appears in your life that has the ability to change it drastically, either for better or worse.  Today is one of those days today.  The most important interview of my life looms and the chance of me to cast of the shackles that have been keeping me down potentially is in sight. I cannot

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Admin/ February 20, 2015/ Rants

  In my last post, I touched upon one of my other greatest desires in the world.  While my love have trains has been a part of me since infancy, this fascination led to another as I gained age and experience. Wanderlust is defined as the need to see new places.  For me, this was an end result of my

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My fascination with Trains

Admin/ February 19, 2015/ Rants

  I like to feel that I am a person well versed on  our culture with a great deal of interests.  this is to further my goal of being a multifaceted person with a host of talents.  Despite this aspiration, I must give credit where it is due, to passions that as far as my life are concerned have been

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On Blogging

Admin/ February 17, 2015/ Rants

  Welcome to the most redundant post on my blog.  Today, I am gonna blog, about blogging.  This sounds just as silly as it seems, but hear me out.  You may learn something, even from this. Blogging is a very special way of expressing myself.  When I write novels, I am free to write the story however I want, create

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