Why I tend to favor Lancers over Heroes.

Admin/ April 13, 2015/ Books, Movies, Rants, Video Games

  This is a literary blog post about my writing style and also may explain a bit about the types of characters I prefer.  To get to the point at hand, the stereotypical idea of the Hero, especially the Chosen One, is a character type that I cannot stand. especially if the Hero is an idealist.  Perhaps it is a

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Social Hierarchy From the Eyes of an Autistic

Admin/ April 11, 2015/ Rants

  For those of you who lack Autism, this post may seem confusing and even more so, a bit strange, perhaps even redundant.  For the Neurotypical, (that’s a person who does not have Autism) some of the things outlined are likely behaviors you do at such an automatic level, that you probably have never thought about it before. Lets start

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My Exodus

Admin/ April 5, 2015/ Rants

  As I looked up at the sky yesterday in the early morning, I saw a Lunar Eclipse and answered to myself the main question of the famous four asked on Passover.  Today and Night was to be different from all others.  And since it was T3, it was for sure.   Before the event even started, I accepted a

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Making a Man Out of Myself This Weekend

Admin/ April 3, 2015/ Rants

This weekend is significant for a large portion of the Human Population.  For Jews around the world, Pesach, known in English as Passover begins at sundown.  All around the world, Jews will be having their Seder dinners with friends and family while retelling the exodus from Egypt.  There will of course be lots of wine (4 glasses) and of course

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My Passover Journey

Admin/ April 1, 2015/ Rants

  This entire experience down in Florida has been quite a journey so far.  But soon, it will be Pesach, a day where the Jewish people left a land that they could gain nothing from as they began the search for their true purpose. This Pesach, I will be going on a couple of journeys, to appease both my Jewish

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The Darkest Hour

Admin/ March 30, 2015/ Books, Movies, Rants, Video Games

  The Darkest Hour, a phrase overused for time eternity, and yet a phrase that I enjoy.  One that shapes my writing style greatly. You know these moments in fiction.  The time when the Villain looks like they may actually win (or does win in some cases changing the plot entirely) The moment where the trusted friend proves they were

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Why I Am Distancing Myself From Dating

Admin/ March 28, 2015/ Rants

  Lately I have noticed a vast number of my friends getting married and in some cases even having children.  Not the accidental kinds either.  These are adults making rational decisions.  Not children jumping into situations they have little understanding of.   Yet, I am not one of these adults.  This lack of a love life or family has my

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Charity and Greed

Admin/ March 22, 2015/ Rants

  This is a topic that I spend a lot of time thinking about.  Its also a topic that most wish to spend as little time on as possible.   Due to the nature of one of my current jobs, I ask people to help make a donation to save those that are homeless.  I have heard just about every

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Training for T3

Admin/ March 20, 2015/ Rants

  As some of you may be aware, and that the rest of you soon will be made known of, I am running a very tough race known as T3 in a few weeks.  This all day event will push me to my absolute limit in physical ability as well as mental.   Obviously, one does not simply walk into

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Admin/ March 18, 2015/ Rants

  Many writers get stopped in their pursuit of making their works of art their prime source of income, but since money is an issue that many of us all share and one that we spend quite a deal of time discussing, I have decided to address an issue that is more unique to my situation.   I have an

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