The Dangers of Double Standards

Admin/ February 12, 2015/ Rants

  The phrase double standards is one that gets tossed around frequently and aggressively.  I have also noticed, with increased urgency, that understanding this phrase is key to understanding the inner workings of thew world and the dangers that many groups such as Jews and Autistics face today. The most common way this phrase tends to be used is in

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What Mistreating Retail Workers Says about You

Admin/ February 9, 2015/ Rants

  Today I will divert from my usual more goofy posts to write something a little bit darker and closer to home. I have worked retail almost my entire working life.  It is a miserable experience fraught with having to deal with most of the worst that humanity has to offer and unlike everything we are taught growing up about

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The Joys of Running

Admin/ January 28, 2015/ Rants

  As we approach the end of January, many of us will watch in dismay as our new years resolutions end with the turn of the page to February.  I am not one of them. For quite a while a close friend of mine had been informing me that if I came to his workouts, he would help me get

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The Power of Music

Admin/ January 21, 2015/ Rants, Video Games

  For the last couple of months, my life has been one wild roller coaster ride.  On one hand, I am now a published author and am gaining a fan base at a nice steady pace.  That part of my future is looking bright as are the prospects for future jobs and a chance to finally earn a degree. Of

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The Different Types of Wealth

Admin/ January 18, 2015/ Rants

  Wealth is a word that gets thrown around so much in our society that you can trip over it if you are not watching your step.  Despite this description of measurement being commonly used, you can talk to ten different people and find ten different answers to it.  Today, I will share my answer to this word with a

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Thoughts on Rosh Hashanah

Admin/ September 30, 2014/ Rants

  This past weekend was the holiday of Rosh Hashanah.  This holiday is unique in Judaism for quite a few different reasons.  The first of these is that this is a predominantly known holiday even outside of the Jewish Community by the rest of the world.  A second thing to note that this is one of the two holidays that

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The Meaning of Shabbat

Admin/ September 21, 2014/ Rants

  As I continue to explore my faith with Judaism, I have been coming to terms with ideas I have been grappling with almost my entire life.  First and foremost of these ideas is the belief that Torah is outdated and religion in general does nothing more than hold us as a species back. The more and more I understand

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Properly Using and Understanding Cynicism

Admin/ September 17, 2014/ Rants

  I frequently hear day to day that cynicism is a destructive thought behavior.  While at times I am led to believe this is true, I still cling to my thought process.  This has led me to look deeper into the issue for I do not believe that I am a fatalist, so their must be a reason that benefits

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