Iowa Caucus

Admin/ February 3, 2016/ Political

  Most American news was watching the Iowa Caucus very closely.  And why not? It the latest in the circus known as the election of 2016.  And now that its getting much closer to November, the average Joe is starting to pay attentionBern And that is what really makes the actions that occurred last night so remarkable. On the Republican

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Pinnacle Politics

Admin/ January 13, 2016/ Political

    A while ago, I embarked on a new adventure.  I left the world of 9-5 hours and decided to move forward into the startup industry.  A friend of mine who I had met in Israel had an idea.  A very ambitious idea.  An ambitious idea that in my own ambitiousness, made me decide to do something, well, ambitious.

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Tel Aviv

Admin/ January 11, 2016/ Political, Rants

  The news is always abuzz with information about Israel.  Most of it incredibly biased.  Most also making this country out to be an incredibly violent place.  Today tough I will barely speak about any of these things.  Instead, I’m gonna talk a little about the city pictured above. Tel Aviv is likely not what the average person thinks of

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What is going on in Oregon?!

Admin/ January 4, 2016/ Political

  If the headlines are to be believed, there is some sort of civil unrest going on in Oregon. And depending on who you read the headline from, the people in question could be patriots, or terrorists, or all a manner of other labels. If you want to know more about these other labels, I would recommend to check out

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Pearl Harbor Remembrance

Admin/ December 8, 2015/ Political

  Today is December 7th.  In America, it is a day that has and always will live in infamy. Pearl Harbor came as a surprise to America.  Up until, and through World War I, America felt invincible.  There were plenty of problems in the world, but they were across oceans, or far to the south in the other America, but

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Martin O’Malley: The other Democrat Running for President

Admin/ December 5, 2015/ Political

  With the news so abuzz with the names Clinton, Sanders, Trump, Carson, and Rubio.  You rarely get to hear about anything else in the political world in America (for now) But today I am gonna talk about the other Democrat. The one you don’t hear about in the media. Most people recognize him as that other person on the

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What the Word “Terrorist” Actually Means

Admin/ November 29, 2015/ Political

    After seeing the back and fourth arguments in our political system about who and what is and is not a terrorist, I am getting tired of having to argue the point with both sides of the aisle.  Once again I am reminded that I am surrounded by idiots   But lets look at two statements that are said

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Why Climate Change Always Has been and Almost Always Will Be the Greatest Threat to Civilization

Admin/ November 24, 2015/ Political

  As usual, something that is common sense and shouldn’t even be part of a debate has become political charged.  What a surprise! So lets explore the malcontent.  Many people are upset that multiple politicians, namely Bernie Sanders, are making statements that Climate Change is above and beyond more dangerous than Isis (or Isil, or Daesh)  Predictably, this has been

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Paris. Beirut. Baghdad.

Admin/ November 14, 2015/ Political

  The media has been aflame.  Isis planned, they bided time, they struck.  And the results are disastrous. In Paris, more than 100 dead, many more injured.  A wave of terror has spun outwards and at they time of this post is spiraling across the EU at large. Meanwhile, in Baghdad, explosions turned a funeral into a mass grave.  Isis

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Starbucks Cup

Admin/ November 12, 2015/ Political, Rants

  I really can’t believe I am writing about this.  I feel dirty every single time I add another letter to this post. Can we just all come to grips with reality please?  A cup is offending you?  Please go back to whatever planet of stupid you came from and stay there.  Stop infecting us with your uselessness. Real talk

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