The 4th Republican Debate

Admin/ November 10, 2015/ Political

  As I watch the most recent Republican Debate, I feel that it is important for me to listen with an open mind.  As a Democrat and Liberal, it is too easy to dismiss the people on the other side of the aisle. A few things of note that I find to standout.  First, Trump has not talked as much

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Prayers for Israel

Admin/ October 17, 2015/ Political

  Every single day this week I have watched the news with dread wondering what new attack would happen in Israel and even worse, how the media would spin it for its own agenda.  And while between all the stabbings, explosions, political agendas, and fires, many people such as myself have friends, innocent and just, trying to live their lives.

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The Issue the Media is Ignoring About Gun Violence in America

Admin/ October 5, 2015/ Political

  I refuse to go on a rant about gun control verses the second amendment.  I could go blue in the face and change not one opinion.  Instead, I will speak about a much bigger problem that the gun violence is one of many side effects of. Lets look at how people have responded to gun violence. Media Glorifies the

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Why the Jewish People Should Not Trust Donald Trump

Admin/ September 7, 2015/ Political

I am finding its astounding and terrifying that a large number of people within the Jewish Community are supporting Donald Trump.  History dictates that my people tend to fear Secularism over Genocide.  And in recent memory, the Holocaust has pointed out the flaw in that fear. But fast forward to now.  Some (but not all) of the Jewish people feel

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The Origin of the Name Palestine and What It Means

Admin/ August 30, 2015/ Political

  There are few topics that have been capturing media attention for such a long time as the Israeli Palestinian Conflict.  This post will be talking about the Origin of the name Palestine itself and NOT about the people who currently claim to be the people from that land area.   Before I continue, I want to bring up a

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Iran, Nukes, Israel, And the Middle East

Admin/ July 16, 2015/ Political

A lot of Facebook feeds are aflame with the current issues regarding Iran.  Many of my friends as well as the media has only be paying attention to this issue in very recent days.  However, I have been watching this problem grow over the course of many years.  So here, I offer my more than ten cents on this issue

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July 4th

Admin/ July 4, 2015/ Political

Rather than write a snide post about America’s problems, or political crap that I tend to write, I will take a moment to remind those of you reading this to appreciate each other this holiday weekend. Too much negativity is spread around the world.  Take this July 4th weekend to do what you love.  Soldiers have fought for their lives

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