Exploring the World With Pokemon Go: My Backyard

Admin/ January 3, 2021/ Florida, North Florida, Travel

Ever since I moved to Jacksonville, Florida and started dealing with Covid like the rest of the planet, I was unable to continue my blogging adventure. But today I fought against my personal problems and tried again. I explored my backyard. Do you like the adorable Deino that is the image for this post? Get ready to see a lot

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Exploring the World With Pokemon Go: Kissimmee Lakefront

Admin/ January 24, 2020/ Central Florida, Florida, Travel

Before I continue going through my Cross Seminole Trail Journey, I wanted to hit something in my backlog. The famed Kissimmee Lakefront is legendary among Central Florida Pokemon Go Players. When the game first launched, creatures that could be found basically nowhere else spawned in high amounts. Its been a couple years since Pokemon Go launched, but I spent many

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Exploring the World with Pokemon Go: Black Hammock Trailhead

Admin/ December 24, 2019/ Travel

After what feels like an eternity, I am back exploring Black Hammock Trailhead. This small park marks where I stopped exploring The Cross Seminole Trail many months ago. Black Hammock Trailhead is split into two areas. The first features a walking trail and plenty of shade to rest before going to Cross Semoinole Trial proper. Since trailheads exist both for

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Exploring the World With Pokemon Go: Windermere Town Square

Admin/ October 8, 2019/ Travel

It has been a long time since I explored for my blog. But when my birthday struck, I got a chance to take a break from work. Let’s see what I saw on September 1st in Windermere Town Square. Situated in well, Windermere Town Square, this park was the perfect place for me to take a peaceful walk for my

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Exploring the World With Pokemon Go: Cross Seminole Trail 4

Admin/ August 6, 2019/ Travel

After a long absence away, I finally returned to Cross Seminole Trail 4. This section marked the first time I entered parts unknown along the trail. It was an exciting endeavor. Cross Seminole Trail 4 is partially disconnected from my earlier route. I spent some time wandering around Downtown Oviedo and even crossed a few major streets to try and

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Exploring the World With Pokemon Go: Friendship Park

Admin/ July 29, 2019/ Travel

Right next to my last adventure sits Friendship Park. All excitement that I had towards exploration was cut short by two factors. The first: The gate into the park was shut. The second: A storm was brewing. As one can see, Friendship Park as heavily tailored to children. Thanks to the storm though, the park was clear of people. Though

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Exploring the World With Pokemon Go: Lawton House

Admin/ July 24, 2019/ Travel

I ended up visiting the Lawton House in Oviedo after being unable to find the park with the same name. As it turns out, there is overlap between the two spots. Since the Lawton House is well… a house there was not too much to see outside. Still I took plenty of pictures so that one can view the place

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Exploring the World With Pokemon Go: Boston Hill Park

Admin/ July 23, 2019/ Travel

Don’t let the name fool you. Boston Hill Park is still part of Florida. Notably part of Oveido for that matter. My attention was first drawn to the signs in the parking lot at Boston Hill Park. Apparently, at one point the parking lot had been closed. The orange construction signs are a testament to that. I decided to take

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