Despair: Self Doubt

Admin/ May 19, 2015/ Rants

  The last couple of days have been an emotional roller coaster.  I promised I would write these blog posts in the now and right now. I will admit I am beside myself.  While yesterday, I was on cloud nine, tonight is the opposite.  Part of it is to blame on my emotions being a little edgy for sure.  But

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A Long Awaited Adventure

Admin/ May 17, 2015/ Rants

  Today marks Jerusalem Day.  This a commemoration of the reunification of Jerusalem after being split apart by the enemies of the Jewish people for so long. This event occurred at the end of the six day war as the entire City of Jerusalem was once again under Israeli and thus Jewish control. To me this is a significant and

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The Scrawny Male’s Anti Theft Survival Guide

Admin/ May 13, 2015/ Rants

  This blog post now comes about due to a joke I made to a coworker that transformed into a full blown conversation.  Being that I am a small scrawny Jewish Male, would be thieves are likely to assume I am an easy target.  Also since stereotypes are far from dead, they likely also assume that I have a lot

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Mother’s Day

Admin/ May 10, 2015/ Rants

  This is a blog post that goes out to all the moms, aspiring moms, and women who serve as mother figures to both children and adults. The world is filled with difficult people (like me) who really need an entire City just to raise that one person.  But sometimes it takes the extra devotion and hard work of exceptional

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Why the Phrase “Get a Real Job” Is Foolish

Admin/ May 7, 2015/ Rants

Lately this statement has been coming up a lot.  And quite frequently it has been directed at me.  It irks me when people trumpet foolish statements.  Especially foolish statements created with the intent of distraction and manipulation.  Today, I will explain why those reasons are. First perhaps we should figure out what a real job is?  Like many of these

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Why I care more about raising kids than getting married

Admin/ May 3, 2015/ Rants

  I’m sure the title of this one caught your attention.  If not that, the fact that my blog posts lately have been a bit more controversial has brought you to me.  Now that I have you here reading this, let me elaborate. I am at the time of writing this post at the still young age of 25, but

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Taking a Step Back

Admin/ May 1, 2015/ Rants

  Through a series of circumstances not limited to my car breaking, missing a train, missing multiple buses, job searching, and listening to poetry at open mics, I have had a new sense of reflection that I think I have been in serious need of for some time. I will be working backwards with my discovery because it becomes easier

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To My Mother

Admin/ April 25, 2015/ Rants

  Today I am in a sentimental mood.  Its also my Mother’s birthday.  So this blog post is dedicated to her. I was born with Autism and could not speak until around the age of 4 years old. (Yes hard to believe) But through the efforts of my Mother, a champion for having her child with Autism live a normal

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Training: New Athletic Goals

Admin/ April 21, 2015/ Rants

  T3 is now behind me, but my journey to be in ever better shape has just begun.  Now that I have survived this tough trial, its time to look ever forward into what I plan to do next.    Right at the front, my goal, one that I set before I even ran T3 was to do a marathon

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A Mistake I keep Making

Admin/ April 19, 2015/ Rants

  Lets face it, the title of this blog post gives away that I’m gonna be honest about myself here. (Or completely naive.  I’ll leave that up to you to decide) There have been a couple periods in my life where I was a complete terror to deal with.  Times in  my life where I could not care about anyone

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