Trans-Pacific Partnership

Admin/ July 1, 2015/ Political

In this 3 part controversy series, I have moved from the most exciting issue, to finally, ending with the most bleak.  The Trans-Pacific Partnership has been a controversy of late.  Especially as cited by the Nay Sayers who claim that the other two issues that I have already written about in length: Marriage Equality and the Confederate Flag, are nothing

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The “Confederate Flag”

Admin/ June 29, 2015/ Political

Well I already addressed one of the three major issues that are all abuzz in America right now.  Might as well deal with the other two. Lets get down to business.  The whole country is debating about whether a certain flag is an infringement of free speech or not depending on whether one can fly it or not.  Instead of

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Birthright Day 7

Admin/ June 23, 2015/ Political, Rants

The number 7 is seen as divine in Judaism, but I did not feel so as this day completed.  This would soon to prove to be the heaviest and darkest day of the entire Birthright Experience. As we headed back to Jerusalem, our destination was the Holocaust Museum, and even an ironic interruption of travel due to a police escort

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A Divine Moment

Admin/ June 8, 2015/ Political

  As a person of faith, I have come to think that few things in the universe (if any at all) are random chance.  So of course given the incredible situation I found myself today, I stand with this idea   As many of you may or may not know, I will be going to Israel in two days from

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John McCain and the Radicalization of the American Politics

Admin/ May 27, 2015/ Political

  A look at the United States Political System does not bode well for optimism.  We have one of the most ineffective deadlocked Congresses in the history of the country.  Doing the opposite of whatever the President wants has become a legitimate political platform.  The economy does not actually appear to be in recovery at all.  The real reason the

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Final Fantasy VII: The Ignored Lesson

Admin/ May 11, 2015/ Political, Video Games

  Final Fantasy VI is without a doubt my favorite video game and while the game before the one I am blogging about today (that is not a typo, 6, not 7, is my favorite video game of all time) has a significantly higher amount of lessons to be gained about the universe and the meaning of life at large,

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Admin/ April 30, 2015/ Political

  This is an angry rant post.  This is my opinion.  And most of you are not gonna like it.  But I am tired, tired, really tired, of reading everyone speculating and making scapegoats and focusing on completely the wrong issues of the riots. For those of you who do not know, either because you don’t live in the United

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Nepal Earthquake

Admin/ April 27, 2015/ Political

I decided I should put in my two cents into this issue while it is still fresh in our minds (IE before the Media creates a new crisis of the week for us to focus on) Nepal was hit by a massive Earthquake that has destroyed a large swath of the country, ended countless lives (more than 3000 deaths at

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Why Minorities Must Stand and Fight For What is Right

Admin/ April 17, 2015/ Political

  Yom Hashoah is now over for this year.  And in places all around the world, people took time out of their days to remember the tragedy that took the lives of 6 Million Jews.  But we should not stop there.  For there were other minorities that were also murdered in those same camps Gypsies, Autistics, Schizophrenics, Gays, and other

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Yom Hashoah

Admin/ April 15, 2015/ Political

  Tonight marks Yom Hashoah, a night and day of remembrance for great tragedy.  Tonight marks our thoughts turning to the victims of the Holocaust, and honoring their memories. Many a Jew has asked themselves as well as G-d: Why?  How could this happen?  And while many faiths condemn those who question acts of their patron deity, Judaism is not

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