Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Spring to Spring Trail North 1

Admin/ May 25, 2024/ Central Florida, Florida, Pokémon Go, Trails, Travel, Video Games

As promised I went on another adventure. Specifically I found an extension to a trail I had explored in the past. Let’s see what I found on Spring to Spring Trail North 1.

The Trail

Unfortunately the photos for my adventure down Spring to Spring Trail 1 got messed up. The upload order didn’t correlate at all to the order I actually took the photos and I realized it would take way too long to try and recreate the experience from memory. Instead for this post only, I chose to simply put all the images in one giant gallery.

This section started in an industrial park just beyond where the Trailhead marks its beginning. This was a nice change of pace after the endless green of the Volusia County Swamps. Lots of people find all these mines and other related areas to be ugly. And I can understand why given how the negatively impact the environment. I however find beauty even in destruction.

Beyond this area, the trail draws close to the railroad tracks that both Sunrail and Amtrak use to travel through central Florida and beyond. As of this writing the DeLand Sunrail station has not opened yet. But that will change soon. And I’m excited for this expansion.

Anyway beyond the bend, the tracks grow mostly hidden behind trees as the trail takes its way through the swamps. But of course this should be expected on a Trail called Spring to Spring. Where else might I find such springs in Florida?

The final section of the Spring to Spring Trail North 1 segment took me along a paved road. The trail is not clearly marked in this section and I imagine that is because it just opened recently. My adventure for the day ended at a park. And I’ll be checking that place out next.

Pokémon Go

My photos of Spring to Spring Trail North 1 were all jumbled, but as for how this trail performs in Pokémon Go is much more straightforward. Not so well in the Pokestop department. There were several stops at the Trailhead and several more at the park at the other end. As for the middle, there was one Pokestop the whole time.

Spawns were a bit better with stuff popping up here and there. But it wasn’t anything to write home about. The trail is great for hatching eggs, but I suggest the parks one will find at either end of this hike for a more optimal experience.

On the hike, Spring to Spring Trail North 1 had River, Park, Forest, and Field Biomes. That’s a pretty diverse set of places to find different Pokémon. A shame that its easy to run out of Pokeballs here.

Incense and Eggs

I walked quite a bit on my way down Spring to Spring Trail North 1. Naturally I caught plenty of stuff along the way. And best of all, you have visual proof above that in fifteen minutes I walked over a kilometer. Yay for accomplishment.

For some reason much of my walk down Spring to Spring Trail North 1 was not recorded distance wise in Pokémon Go. Due to this glitch, I hatched far fewer eggs than I should have. Only the two above when my walking distance in game was essentially cut in half. At least the hatches gave candy towards Pokémon I use in PvP.

I’m walking this Charcadet so that I can evolve it. You might see this buddy for a bit since I can’t seem to find Psychic Types to battle and am trying to avoid using inefficient grindy methods to accomplish it. Who knows what the future holds. At least this little power ranger looks like its having fun.

I managed to take this picture on the edge of the park where I’ll be traveling next time. It feels good to be out and about on these hikes again after staying home and away from them for almost a year. These adventures are doing wonders for my mental health. I’m excited to find new surprises around the next corner.

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