Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Rob Sullivan Park

Admin/ May 26, 2024/ Central Florida, Florida, Pokémon Go, Travel, Video Games

As I followed the Spring to Spring Trail North, I found Rob Sullivan Park. It was large enough to devote an entire post. Let’s see what I found.

Rob Sullivan Park has a clear theme that anyone visiting can see. In fact, even the sign at the entrance tells you all about this place. The park is mostly dedicated to baseball fields. Though further back one will find soccer and basketball as well.

I didn’t go onto the actual fields while here. It was clear that they were being maintained and the turf landscaped. Out of respect for everyone who does use these fields, I kept to the walkways. I don’t think it diminished my experience at all.

There are plenty of spots to sit in the shade too. Unlike some other baseball parks, this one had segments meant for others who had come to appreciate this quiet greenspace. I’m glad that multiuse parks are becoming more of a thing. Especially with parks like this one that were built with a specific purpose initially.

Back of the Park

The back half of Rob Sullivan Park featured less baseball and more of everything else that this green space had to offer. This includes soccer shaded areas and basketball. But there is plenty of space for many people to make use of the park.

There is also a playground near the middle of this section of the park. A chance for kids who may not like baseball or need a break from it to run around and play in a safe place. Beyond that of course are the soccer fields. Surrounding the entire back side of the park I missed a few spots since I didn’t go into the grass.

The very back featured a couple pavilions. They grant some much needed shade. I came to the park around 8 AM and the sun was already starting to cook Florida. I’m worried about how the summer will be if this is spring, but at least I got a chance to check out the park.

Pokémon Go

Let’s take a look Rob Sullivan Park in Pokémon Go. Obviously as a park, this place is much better than a trail. There are Pokestops all over the place with several gyms too. And the spawns are plentiful. You can see by the picture above that this is a spot worth checking out in Pokémon Go. Just a shame that its off the beaten path. But if you are hiking the Spring to Spring Trail, you absolutely should check this place out.

I found Park and Field Biomes while here. There might be water related biomes as one gets closer to the water, but I didn’t go on the grass so I did not get to confirm that. There were several nests though. I think the sections of the park are where the nest dividers are.

I hatched five different eggs on this adventure. Most of these should have hatched on my hike during the previous post, but at least I got them now. The Larvesta and Sableye were amazing hatches. I’ll be trading the former and the latter got me more candy towards my PVP viable one. I was quite pleased with the results.

I now can claim that its possible for me to travel twice in one weekend. Not bad going from no adventures at all to several. I hope that I can continue this trend as the Florida summer heats up. I’ll have to stick to mornings to avoid getting into high UV situations. Especially with working outdoors, I need to minimize sun exposure to avoid heat exhaustion. I’m confident that I can succeed.

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