Surviving the Felon: Week of 03/22/2025

Admin/ March 23, 2025/ Anime, Books, Centrum Glacies, Dungeons and Dragons, Pokémon Go, Political, Surviving the Felon, Video Games

I’m back for another instalment of Surviving the Felon. I won’t waste words about how we all feel exhausted and tired of dealing with him and his horrible cronies. Nor will I try and claim that things will be getting better soon. In fact, as it has only been a couple months since this all started, its clearly going to be a long couple years. Let’s not even think about the next four yet.

Yet all this despair only benefits The Felon. The news outlets and social media companies make big money on outrage. They want us upset so that we will keep clicking on their ads. They want us exhausted so we won’t try and change anything. Most importantly, they like the world how it currently is. And those who benefit from this horrible chaos will fight tooth and nail to keep it that way.

So don’t give them what they want. Let’s focus on what makes us smile. Laugh and rejoice in the fact that those laughs cannot be taken away from you. They will try to steal your light and your grins. The Felon wants to drive you away from your hobbies. Don’t give him what he wants.

The Bad

Well despite our best efforts to smile and laugh, we can’t ignore all the bad things happening because of The Felon. When problems come knocking on our doors is not the time to start caring. That is when it is too late to care. I’m certainly frightened by Ice doing just that and deporting people without a trial. Seeing images from the prison in El Salvador where prisoners were shaved and put in white clothes looks awfully familiar to historians. I truly hope we are not already approaching the work camps stage after just a few months.

And speaking of repeating history, those who intend to repeat it will hide the history from everyone else. And The Felon trying to gut the Department of Education does just that. Certainly people like him and The Couch Humper want segregated schools where only those they deem worthy are allowed to learn. Why else why they try to harm the institutions that help everyone else?

Another thing happening that directly has me worried, is The Nazi going after Amtrak. I was dismayed when the CEO bent the knee so quickly in response to his words. If Amtrak becomes privatized, not only will that be the beginning of the end of it as a service, but commuter rail which impacts me directly might be on the chopping block next.

While the news tries to control what we are worried about, don’t forget to learn more Heritage FoundationPeter Thiel, and Curtis Yarvin. These are our real enemies, alongside The Window Shover.

The Good

As usual, the above was only a small taste of all the awful happening in the world. But that is why I always make the next section about the good happening in the world. Best to get the horrible out of the way and focus on how we fight back against it. And with protests still happening around the world, and The Nazi losing money on his businesses, people are making things happen. If The Felon is trying to call you a terrorist, you are probably the good guy.

Some politicians are finally starting to fight back. And its exactly who you would expect. Certainly not the establishment Democrats who keep fighting tooth and nail against the actual heroes who are fighting for us like AOC, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders. I don’t fully agree with everything they believe, but that’s ok. Differences of opinion are fine so long as those differences don’t include killing innocent people.

I may not have gotten to hike this week, but I did spend some time driving to get food at a restaurant I like. We have been trained by capitalism so heavily that we must make every cent count and not be wasteful in any way shape or form. If something you do makes you smile and helps you get through your day, it is not wasteful. Do not let people who don’t see joy beyond the next dollar tell you that your passions are worthless.

Video Games

I still have not fully completed my grind in Metaphor ReFantazio. Yet this time its Eldin Ring I’m playing while writing this blog post. I took a break from the game because the challenge can be stressful at times. It also doesn’t help that I keep wanting to try new builds and so start new characters. I have five currently and only one of them has made it to the final area. With one more at the Haligtree and a third not far from there either.

I’m getting into a groove with Helldivers 2, and so watching us fail the current objective. Although I can understand why people are fighting the new enemies on the Bot front, I wish the community could band together and complete stuff. I’m invested in the story, even if a lot of other people are not.

A new patch is coming to Genshin this week and it has a new part of the map to explore. These are my favorite patches because there will be plenty of content to discover over the coming weeks. Oh and as the standard banner updates, I’ll have a chance to summon Mizuki. I love her as a character, I just didn’t want to pull her on a limited banner when she will be stopping me from getting other new characters at some point in the future.

I played more Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Civilization 7 this week. Now, I’m past Gongaga and only have Cosmo Canyon to grind through before most of the rest of the game is stuff I love. The Temple of the Ancients in Rebirth is a massive upgrade from the original and one of my favorite dungeons in any video game. As for Civilization 7, I have only played a small amount. 35 hours is basically nothing for a game like that. And with so many other things happening, its hard to focus on one thing like that game.

Pokémon Go

There were a few events in Pokémon Go this week, but I stayed home. I have had a sore foot the last few days and need to be able to walk at work. For similar reasons I did not go on a hike this week, instead opting to rest and recover. For people without a strong Feraligatr this was an amazing week, but I already have several of those and didn’t need much from this event.

What I would like less of is this silly Morpeko and Mandibuzz cup. This upcoming week that cup will end and I look forward to not playing in such a limited meta for a week or two. Despite my best efforts to use both those Pokémon on proper teams I just have not gotten used to using them, especially the little mouse. More power to those who have though.

I’m hoping that I’ll be recovered soon so that next week I can go on another hike. Its really noticeable how my mood is effected when I don’t go for a walk on Saturday morning. Plus its a good reason to leave my house. Even at my most depressed a hike can lift me up.

Anime and Shows

I’m caught up on Re: Zero and Doctor Stone but have not watched the new episode of Solo Leveling yet. I plan to do that soon enough. I have sung the praises of all three of these shows for several weeks now. No need to do so again. But really you should watch these shows. Especially Re: Zero.

I need to watch more One Piece. This whole week I didn’t watch a single episode. The 900 plus I still need to watch won’t view themselves. I’ll need to get to it. And soon.

Wheel of Time continues to impress. This week I watched one of my favorite parts of The Shadow Rising get adapted on screen. It was a treat and if you are reading this and looking for a good fantasy show with lots of characters and different plot points, there is a reason that the books are among my favorite. Season 1 and 2 were rough. But I’m feeling very confident in Season 3 so far.

Dungeons & Dragons

I ran both segments of my Centrum Glacies campaign this week. And I have a blog post for each of them if you want to check out what happened. The group is good at both the roleplay and combat. Although I need to come up with many things on the fly, they tend to work. And the mistakes I make are quickly fixed.

What was more interesting is that I ran a one shot this week. My roommate asked if I could run one for their friends and who was I to say no? One shots are much harder for me to create than long form campaigns. Mostly because I like complex stories with an attention to detail. And there is only so much you can do in one session. The action has to come right away. You can’t spend half the session setting the world up. All in all, the players enjoyed what I did, and the way I created it allowed for there to be repeat tries to see different stories play out.

Writing and Editing

Editing was slow and steady this week. It was an unusual week at work with an even more unusual situation on the trains. Normally I do a lot of my editing to and from work. But massive crowds going to an art festival combined with Florida being on Spring Break meant that I didn’t always have a place to sit. Two days were dominated with writing blog posts too.

But those blog posts were all written within a day. That is impressive considering it was a tough week for me mentally. But there are less things stressing me out now and I plan to get some serious editing done this next week. While I still have a ways to go before I’ll be ready to have my editor look at more of the text every paragraph is a step forward.


This week I read more Tower of God. When I could of course. It was a busy week at work. Between spring break, a ton of riders going to an art festival and even a chance to train a new employee I had a lot to focus on that kept me away from reading. But that’s fine. The best part about books is that you can always come back to them later. They cannot be erased despite The Felon’s best efforts. Stories that he doesn’t like will be around long after he is finally gone.

Wrap Up

As we move towards April and new and unpleasant surprises from The Felon and his collaborators, we have to continue finding reasons to enjoy our lives. Our smiles are the first and last wall of rebellion against these criminals. Their vision of the world will never come to pass so long as we keep our own visions in our hearts.

I have a lot to look forward to over the next few months and I won’t let The Felon get in my way of enjoying them. He is weak and like other weak mean he screams constantly to make people think he is strong. But like all fake people he is willing to hurt others just to feel emotions. Be thankful that you are able to enjoy the world unlike him. He is incapable of enjoying art, joy, and love.

Do not fear The Nazi. He is ruining his own life one major company failure at a time. All we can do is hope that he won’t drag the rest of the world with him when his failures finally catch up to him. Scam artists and parasites have a lot in common. And the Nazi is both simultaneously. But parasites need hosts and if we can remove him, he will run out of food and fade away.

We need to keep enjoying our lives and push out those who only gain enjoyment from the suffering of others. That we can outlast The Nazi, the Window Shover, the Couch Humper, and most importantly, The Felon. They are weak and we are strong.

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