Centrum Glacies Session 100: Violet’s Entertainment

Admin/ March 22, 2025/ Books, Centrum Glacies, Dungeons and Dragons

Week 100 of the Dungeons and Dragons Campaign in Centrum Glacies continues as the party serves as Violet’s entertainment. And the Archfey has a bratty demeanor.

Like my other campaign, I’m turning this one into a book seriesYou can check out the first one here.

Anyway, just like my other campaign, there is a whole lot going on and I don’t want to elaborate on every moving piece in the story. You can see the whole thing in the book series.

!!!Trigger Warning!!!

This story deals with a cruel world with some horrific twists. So far, this campaign has featured: Animals getting killed, Genocide, lots of body horror, evil cults, brainwashing, torture, psychological warfare, child abuse, and slavery.

One of the party members had an eye gouged out and lost an arm. Not exactly the way it happens in Berserk, but that might have been the inspiration for it. The group was incinerated in lava. But rather than die, they were transformed into Demons. They might be free from these transformations for now, but only time will tell what this means for them.

!!!Final Trigger Warning!!!

The party continued their battle with the shambling mounds. Teztcal ended up eating one of them in fact. Violet asked him if it was delicious. He did not find it appetizing. A point that Violet used to mess with him, or try with little success.

Trent threw a snide remark that Teztcal had gone vegetarian. That wouldn’t have been true even in this situation since the Shambling Mounds were almost akin to a flesh creature. Violet though, being a Fey, didn’t know what a vegetarian was. And when Trent refused to answer her question on the subject, she turned her attention elsewhere. Specifically she turned towards Obrom and made fun of his jokes.

Trent shifted into a Radiant Elemental in an effort to end this battle faster. Obrom meanwhile, cast another magical insult towards the final shambling mound. Rather than some insult, he simply rolled his tongue around making a weird noise.

Violet was repulsed by the sound. And even more repulsed by his further statements. As the fight went on, Obrom’s mockeries got more concerning. But they did not hinder the rest of the group. In fact, the party defeated the shambling mounds and moved onward through the labyrinth.

Anti Magic Knights

As they proceeded through the maze, they entered another room. And like before the way forward and back was blocked. Not that the party had anywhere to flee to.

This time it wasn’t plant monsters, or anything one would associate with Fey. Instead, several armored soldiers with horned helms hiding their faces materialized out of the ground. The party found them troubling adversaries almost immediately.

Specifically, the monsters shrugged off several of their spells as if they were simple party tricks. And their strikes were powerful enough that they were able to knock Trent out of his radiant elemental form.

But then Teztcal got serious. Once more the other two were glad that he was their ally in battle as the Dragon’s breath attack was too powerful for even magic resistant enemies to handle. He left all but one of them a pile of ash on the ground.

With only one left, and a party of three eager to be done with this so they could save the Centaur, they quickly cleaned up. After the clash, they wondered aloud why these monsters were so easily able to ignore their spells.

Reduction in Difficulty

Violet chimed in. “What was that? You said you want more of those?” Obrom quickly shut that down with a definitive no. And the other two agreed. Those monsters hadn’t posed a serious threat, but their surprise factor and immunity to Magic wouldn’t leave their memory any time soon.

Funny enough, Violet claimed that She felt like this entire game was a little too slanted in her favor. The Archfey didn’t want the group to believe they were being treated unfairly. And so she claimed that she had made some last minute changes to the labyrinth to make it more fair for them.

Once more the party proceeded into the hall. But unlike before, the doors back shut right away. Violet hadn’t waited for them to even reach a room before calling upon more monsters. This was clear from the loud stomping coming their way.


Soon enough the first of their foes came around a corner farther down the hall. It was a troll. And by the sounds of heavy footsteps, there were many more behind it.

But this long hallway was only wide enough for the Trolls to move through it single file. This was what Violet meant when she intended to make things easier for the group.

Trent saw an easy solution to dealing with these monsters. He cast a wall of fire down the entire stretch of the hallway. To even approach them, the monsters would need to wander through a death trap. And Obrom had just the spell to add to the carnage. The Trolls would never reach them, as he called upon a wall of Force to block the way past the wall.

The group didn’t need to attack beyond this, or lift another finger. Between the flames and an immovable barrier, the relatively stupid Trolls ran through the flames into a barrier they could not breach. Their screams unheard as the flames claimed them one at a time.

Teztcal taunted them by showing his butt and shouting insults. It wasn’t clear if the Trolls could hear him or understand him. But as there wasn’t much else he could do to add to this carnage, it was his way of contributing.

Eventually the banging stopped. The Trolls had been defeated without the party taking a single blow. A grim encounter and not for the party this time.

Increased Difficulty

Violet for her part slow clapped. She applauded the group for their ruthless and efficient method of slaughtering the monsters. Pleased with their performance thus far, she asked them to continue onwards. They were her entertainment after all, as they all had agreed on when entering this place.

The party continues onward and were running out of labyrinth to explore. Unfortunately, Violet claimed she had been too easy on them when they fought the Trolls. As the group reached a dead end with a room on each side, Violet flanked them with monsters appearing both directions.

Obrom informed Trent that he planed to use another wall of force. There were water elementals on one side and this group seemed the more dangerous. Meanwhile on the other, ice imps floated about. And while there were a lot of them, it wasn’t anything that the group couldn’t easily deal with.

The druid nodded understanding the plan perfectly. In fact he made the wall a perfect choice, as he cast flamestrike on the other side, causing the Mephits to destroy each other as they each exploded from the powerful spell.

Denial of Fun

Violet was disappointed that Obrom put another wall of force up. In fact, he was ruining her fun by doing so. The Bard ignored her complaints. Which was a bold move considering she was an Archfey. Trent however understood things a bit more clearly. He apologized to Violet but explained that for their safety, Obrom was right to separate their foes.

Violet shifted from upset to angry. She demanded that Obrom dismiss the spell. The water elementals began banging on the wall of force. They were unable to reach the party. And since there was no clash, Violet wasn’t getting what she wanted.

The Archfey began throwing a bratty hissy fit. She demanded again and again to release the spell and fight the Elementals. Even Teztcal voiced nothing and the other two completely ignored her.

Wrap Up

Whether their behavior is wise or not is yet unseen. Violet might be angry for petty reasons, but she still is an Archfey. And such beings have been nothing but dire threats to the party so far.

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