Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Goldsboro Trail

Admin/ January 12, 2023/ Central Florida, Florida, Trails, Travel, Video Games

As promised I checked out the Goldsboro Trail. It travels through one of the most historic parts of Sanford Florida.

The first part of Goldsboro Trail took me past Coastline Park. I covered that spot in the post right before this one so I won’t elaborate on what I saw there. Instead, I took pictures of the angles that might have been left out of that adventure.

Green spots separated the park from the nearby neighborhoods as well as Pebble Junction where just like before I could hear the sounds of industry. Its certainly a unique aesthetic. One doesn’t normally hear those sounds at a park.

I noticed after taking these pictures that my shadow appeared in quite a few pictures. Proof that I am only a novice cameraman at best. But with time I feel like I have improved at least a little. One day I might finally be able to invest in some proper equipment.

The next section of Goldsboro Trail took me into the historic district that the trail gets its name from. I live near the urban part of Sanford and so had not really been to this part of the city before. Its crazy what might be hidden just behind a few trees .

I won’t be able to talk about the significance of Goldsboro in enough detail to feel adequate but was a major town with a rich history before it became part of Sanford. And one of the oldest towns in the area too. Here is a link to start learning about this rich part of American history.

I have not been a fully urban trail in a while. The last one I explored was out in the country. And although the longer one before that ended in Titusville, for much of its run it too was out in the Florida Swamps. So this adventure was a nice change of pace.

Beyond the downtown part of the old town, Goldsboro Trail crosses the main street and goes into the woods for a bit. But don’t be deceived this is still an urban trail. Its not long until the many residential streets come into view.

But that isn’t the only major landmark of this section of the trail. Goldsboro School is located here too. I imagine that there are many families nearby who use the trail to get exercise on their way to school. Not a bad setup if I do say so myself. After all, most days its warm and sunny in the Sunshine State.

With all that out of the way, I want to draw attention to something I was a little embarrassed about. I didn’t know the name of this trail and spent a lot of time on maps before making this adventure desperate to find the name. Naturally I found the answer along the way. Courtesy of the sign in the above pictures.

The last section of Goldsboro Trail took me to the neighborhoods just past the school. I wonder how high the land value is here. A trail that can take you through most the nearby town safely. Not to mention that same path takes you right to the nearby school. Pretty convenient.

Sanford, Florida gets a pretty bad reputation, partially due to the Travon Martin Case. But there is a lot to see here that is wonderful and beautiful. Its a shame that a hate crime (yes that is what it was. I won’t sugar coat it.) has marred the cities reputation. Otherwise people would know about all the trails and parks around town. As well as the rich history of trains and early American towns.

Don’t be afraid to check out places like this. There is a lot to discover and learn. Today I learned a little about Goldsboro Florida. Who knows what I might learn tomorrow?

Let’s take a look at Goldsboro Trail in Pokémon Go. The old downtown area is a good spot to play. There are several stops, a couple gyms and a ton of spawns. Unfortunately the rest of the trail does not match this one section.

If you want to hatch eggs, this trail does not take you far from plenty of Pokémon Go Hotspots and is worth the journey. But for just the game, I would advise elsewhere. Goldsboro Trail was designed for those using it to see and learn about the town’s history.

I hatched two eggs. But nothing exciting about either of them. Let’s move right along.

Shiny Noibat is still with me. And even with the announcement about Noibat community Day in February, I still intend to keep it as my buddy. Never can have too much candy for such a rare Dragon Pokémon.

Look how happy I am in this picture. I needed a nice hike after a tough week. Sometimes even I need some time in nature. Don’t let some of the other work I write fool you. Believe it or not, I don’t have anything against laughing, smiling, or enjoying life to the fullest.

Speaking of which, there are plenty of places for me to check out still not far from my house. Look forward to some more parks. Some more famous than others.

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