Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Small World Park

Admin/ June 12, 2021/ Central Florida, Florida, Travel

Now that I am back in Florida, I continued adventuring my neighborhood in Longwood. I found a little park appropriately named Small World Park and decided to check it out.

Small World Park is a bit smaller than some of the other places I have visited recently. That doesn’t mean there is little to do though. Not only is there a playground, but a basketball court as well. I know, I know. Those things tend to be at almost every park. But don’t forget, I am traveling all over checking out different spots. For many, they might visit the same park day after day. So there is nothing wrong with these points of interest being everywhere.

While Small World Park has many things that you will find at other spots, I found a couple things that made it different. I saw a little holder that had some books inside. Did the Illinois Parks follow me back home? Almost all of them had these. Though I don’t recall seeing them in Florida parks at any point.

Another thing that stands out is the sheltered area nearby. I have noticed that the smaller parks rarely have these shaded areas at them. Instead they opt to maximize the open area and exposure to the sun. Personally, I believe that these areas are needed at almost all parks. Especially ones that happen to be in the sunshine state.

Another Perspective:

For the last leg of my adventure around Small World Park, I decided to take some pictures of the same places but at different angles. When I explore larger parks, I don’t always have the chance to do this. But at smaller locations like this one, I can take advantage of the extra time.

Also, one picture looks different from the others. I noticed one of my least favorite things in Florida and decided to get a picture of them. On the ground you might notice some dirt piled up. At first I thought those spots were inhabited by harmless sugar ants. But one quick sweep warned me that fire ants are hanging out there. Anyone who has been to Florida has probably felt their painful sting. These little buggers can be dangerous so watch your step if you go onto grass.

Pokémon Go:

Unfortunately, it seems that Small World Park is another example of a place that Pokémon Go does not recognize as a park. That means the spawns are low. Ultimately, this park is better suited for being outside. Rather, for Pokémon Go, I recommend going to nearby downtown Longwood or a few of the other nearby parks mentioned in prior posts.

Oops, my finger got in this photo with Timbur. Oh well. They had fun at Small World Park. Though visiting this place has reminded me how the world is anything but small.

I have plenty of places to see. There is a large trail I’ll be tackling in the near future. Just gotta see what’s in my new backyard first. Whatever I find, you can be sure I’ll tell you about it.

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