Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Fox Chase Park

Admin/ June 4, 2021/ Illinois, North Illinois, Travel, Video Games

I had a busy week where I couldn’t explore much. Finally, I set out and checked out Fox Chase Park. It was the last of three parks right by where I was staying.

Fox Chase Park is a bit bigger than the other two parks I explored nearby. Also unlike them, it was not of an identical design. The playground was right at the entrance. The retention ponds and marshland that had been present before were here too. But that was not what peaked my interest. After all, those things had been present on my last couple adventures.

No, what I cared most about was the trail that circled the backside of the park and danced around the retention ponds. Since the weather was much warmer, I took my time and checked all these spots out.

Before I explored the trail at Fox Chase Park, I took some pictures of the retention ponds. There also looks like some sort of baseball field. It doesn’t look usable at the moment though. Not sure if that has to do with Covid 19 or if it has to be set up whenever people feel like using it. I’ll probably never solve that riddle.

The Path:

The trail at the back of Fox Chase Park took me close to many houses that back up to the path. It seems everyone who lives here has fences. I wonder if there has been issues in the past. Well, I had no intention of bothering anyone or going near their private property so it changed nothing.

With many more trees than at the last two parks, but obviously a lot less than at Rollins Savanah, this felt a lot more unique than when I visited the neighboring parks. Of the three nearby locations, this one was my favorite by a lot.

The Other Side:

As I continued around Fox Chase Park, I found another entrance. I wasn’t surprised by this since this park like the other two nearby is in the center of a neighborhood. It makes sense that people would want to walk to the park rather than drive a short distance. Why would you be outside if you were going to be lazy at that point right?

As you can see when you look at the above images, the retention ponds and marshes are just off the trail. I wonder what this place looks like when it is full of water. It might be even more scenic. Though I bet this place is just packed with mosquitos when that happens. I have enough of that in Florida.

The final leg of my adventure around Fox Chase Park took me slightly off the path. Not because I got lost or anything though. The path ended for a little bit and I used the sidewalk to return. It looked to me like the park ran out of room and didn’t want to impact the environment or retention ponds.

On my way out, I took a couple pictures of the basketball court. I had skipped that on the way in because it had been in use. But after my lap around the park, it was empty and perfect for me to capture it.

Pokémon Go:

Here is Fox Chase Park in Pokémon Go. Compared to the other two parks, the spawns were significantly better. Don’t be fooled by only one stop and Gym here. There was plenty to catch. I left some Pokémon, specifically common mons, but I found rarer ones here too. If you are in the nearby area and need to choose between the three parks, this is the one to go to.

However, Rollins Savannah is nearby. And although my website messed up and didn’t properly let me do a full write up on that adventure, that is the place to play Pokémon Go if you are in this part of Illinois. My blog may not fully embrace it, but I hope this paragraph does what it can.

I’m still walking this Timbur. But this will probably be the last time you see them on the blog. I already evolved another one into Conkledurr. I just figured I would bring them on one last adventure before it was back to the Pokéball.

Oh look its me. I’ll admit I’m ready to head back to Florida. Visiting with family is exhausting and I’m ready for this vacation to end. I had fun at Fox Chase Park, but am eager to explore Longwood and Orlando again. I’ll be back there for my next post.

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