Cycle of Millennia 2021 Session 18 Interlude: Trapped

Admin/ June 13, 2021/ Books, Dungeons and Dragons

Here is week 18 Interlude of my 2021 Dungeons and Dragons Campaign Cycle of Millennia. Lets go over session 18 Interlude: Trapped. Atoinette and Hadron have found Caic. But can they escape Kranaak’s Demonic Realm?

Don’t forget that this campaign has been ongoing for over three years. There is a lot of story to cover and I’m writing a book series to document it all. I am adapting this adventure into a book series. The first three are on Amazon.

!!!Trigger Warnings Abound!!!

This campaign takes place in an incredibly unpleasant setting. The party has dealt with Human Traffickers, Sex Slavery, Child Sacrifice, The Apocalypse, Genocide, Wicked Cults, and other related topics.

There is a God of Madness that is fond of causing auditory and visual hallucinations, makes use of psychic gaslighting, commands the literal legions of hell, and all around causes untold suffering in the setting.

Essentially, nothing is off the table in this campaign. If the above ideas are not ones you want to think about, I do not think this blog series is for you. That is not a problem and does not indicate any failings on your part. I am a storyteller that does not shy away from the darkest topics. It would be horrible for me to not warn my audiences of this in advance.

!!!Final Trigger Warning. Past this point there be dark topics!!!

Not having any other options, the three headed towards a place they all knew well. Stepping into the Royal Dwarven Palace meant going to the ballroom where much of this conflict had started.

The last time these three had stood in this room, they had confronted Fodrin and killed him. The time before that, Antoinette had tried manipulating them into keeping her on the Dwarven Throne. She had then removed the party from the situation, deeming them to lack the mental capacity to aid her. Given the importance of this room, what would happen this time?

At first nothing happened. Which only made all three uneasy. They were close to the center of Kranaak’s realm, yet no Demons appeared to oppose them. Even Caethia who the Vampire and Barbarian had chased after to even get here in the first place was no where to be seen.

But Caic and Hadron knew better than to assume anything when dealing with Kranaak. So they paced the ballroom cautiously. Antoinette however went right to the throne tom reminisce about ruined plans.


She reminded Caic and Hadron that their very actions had ruined the great Dwarven City and their arrogance had allowed Kranaak to enslave the Dwarves for a time. Caic and Hadron both tried to counter her arguments, but knew she was right. The two along with their companions had trusted Fodrin and thus allowed the Demonic armies to invade.

Antoinette sat on what had once been her throne. Caic meanwhile went over to the one that Fodrin had claimed. But the moment he touched the chair, it pushed him away. He was unworthy of the Dwarven Crown apparently. The Paladin turned to the Vampire for some sort of explanation, but couldn’t get through to her.

Only then did the two realize what was going on. Unfortunately, they didn’t have time to draw their weapons as a potent psychic spell immobilized them. Should they have been surprised that Caethia had been watching the whole time? Probably not.

But as she explained that the three would be trapped here for a time, they couldn’t move their mouths to protest or argue. As the fallen Berserker Knight explained where the Demons were going now, she laughed at the two for thinking that Kranaak was like the other two Gods.

She let Hadron speak for a moment just so she could kick him while down. But Antoinette was immobilized completely. Even if he had broken free, he was powerless against the powerful Demoness.

Understanding that Kranaak’s forces were heading to the surface to attack Innovia, these two and their Vampire ally wouldn’t be able to warn their friends of the serious danger heading their way. They walked right into danger and are now trapped. Its amazing how the Chaotic Evil God continues to be the greatest danger in a setting filled with nothing but.

Wrap Up:

Trouble is coming to the surface. Will Grez and Velkora be able to deal with the impending surprise attack? If they are not careful, they might end up trapped too.

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