Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Rollins Savannah

Admin/ June 1, 2021/ Illinois, North Illinois, Trails, Travel

Rollins Savannah was my next destination and the one I was most excited for to check out. I spent near three hours here and took plenty of pictures.

If I had more time in Illinois, I would have spent multiple days checking out this park. Rollins Savannah is a series of trails and parks and even with all the images I took, it was only one of the small loops that makes up the significantly larger place. I could probably create an entire blog series around what is nearby.

Anyway, with what I did explore there is quite a bit to unpack. A lot of these pictures may appear similar to one another since I took careful time and care to get some of these shots from multiple angles. But I think these images can speak for themselves. I won’t need to talk too much as you take in what I saw.

There are a couple pictures showing what I did not explore. At the entrance to Rollins Savannah, another trail leaves the park and heads northwest towards other parks. A shame that I won’t get to explore that way.

Going into the Rollins Savannah proper, I saw an immediate split on the trail. Yet I had researched the area ahead of time. The split was caused by a looping trail. That meant that unlike the last place I mentioned, I would not be avoiding any section of this part of the park.

It was a beautiful day in Illinois contrasting the few leading up to it that had been crappy. You can see that the sun was blasting at full intensity. Yet I wore clothes as if I was still in Florida. Funny that those who traveled with me who lived here did not.

Oh right, I didn’t travel to Rollins Savannah alone. I am in Illinois visiting family. My younger brother and mother both came with. They were both curious to know how I created these blog posts. So I decided to show them what I do.

Proceeding down the trail, the parking lot gave way to rolling hills and swamp land. This is what most of Illinois once was, but a lot of urbanization has removed much of the natural state from it. Rollins Savannah though is a look into what this place once looked like overall. Chicago included.

Rollins Savanah is a huge park with plenty to see. But one must stay to the trail. As you can see in a few of the images above, the ground turns mushy and marshy. And don’t forget that many living and breathing animals and plants live here. When we visit their homes, we should grant them respect.

Given how long the trail is I was not surprised that there were benches scattered about. They were probably needed a lot more by those making a longer trek than myself. My mother and brother agreed with that too. We didn’t use the benches most of our journey.

Rollins Savannah weaves the grasslands and marshes into one seamless experience. There are many breathtaking views that might look similar picture wise but are different features. A good thing that the path exists to guide us. I can only imagine what it must have been like for those people unfortunate to get lost in such a place.

Another feature I have seen at many parks made its first appearance at this part of the trail. Information plaques are useful when there is just so much to see. Educating visitors on what they might be looking at is part of the experience of coming to a place like this.

Rollins Savannah had a whole lot more of the same wonderful landscapes as I continued down the trail. Garbage cans are placed throughout the entire area to make sure littering doesn’t happen. Let’s take a moment to talk about that. Please don’t litter at parks.

Not only does it look disgusting to others passing by, but it also harms wildlife. Just don’t do it. Take care of yourselves and your surroundings. That way they will take care of you too.

Near that garbage can was another set of markers. Its dizzying for me to think about just how much there is to explore here. And I hate that I only had one day to see as much of it as I could. I apologize that I can’t show even more of Rollins Savannah on this blog or in this post.

I continued my way down Rollins Savannah and found more information about the area. But the pictures and actually being here do far more than any words I can personally write. No need to fill up this space too much when you can appreciate what I saw far more.

To avoid just saying different combinations of the same sentences, I’m going to group a lot more of the photos together. Enjoy the longer streams of photos from Rollins Savannah. There was a lot to see and do. And the pictures can do that far better than words.

There were many more photos than the ones shown here. But my website is currently suffering from some technical difficulties. As I try to resolve them, I’ll post what I have.

I have plenty more to explore. But my time here in Illinois is limited. I wish I could have taken my time with such an undertaking. Alas. That was not possible.

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