Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Greystone Park

Admin/ May 29, 2021/ Illinois, North Illinois, Travel, Video Games

For my next adventure in Illinois, I visited Greystone Park. The weather took a cold and windy turn so I found a smaller park to explore.

Greystone Park is set up quite similar to the last park I visited. A single path at the entrance leads to a small playground. The rest of the park is a large open field that also has a retention pond hidden at the edge. Like my prior adventure, this one is currently empty. Northern Illinois is going through drought conditions right now.

Its no surprise that both this and the last park are similar. They both are within a mile of each other in the same neighborhood. Also, both are maintained by the same authority: Round Lake Park District. I wonder if the next park I visit will be set up in a similar fashion?

The weather was quite cold when I visited Greystone Park. With the wind chill it felt like it was in the upper 30s F. (around 3 C for you Metric people) As if that wasn’t enough, it was also raining during those conditions. Given the weather, I didn’t stay here too long. But I made sure to get the important bits.

The playground is similar to what I saw before. And the fields were mushy thanks to the rain. I didn’t want to walk in the mud since I was wasn’t wearing proper shoes. I don’t think the other park had a bench near the playground. so at least that was different.

Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with both parks being similar. The design works well in this area. I don’t think it was out of laziness in case you think that is what I am implying.

Pokémon Go:

In Pokemon Go, Greystone Park is also identical to my last adventure. One Pokestop in the back by the playground while the sign at the front is a Gym. Since the Gym is Ex Raid eligible, this place is worth coming to once the Covid 19 Pandemic has come to an end.

One thing that does separate this park from my last adventure was the different spawn rates. There were few Pokémon actually appearing in the park. However, stepping near the street caused a ton of Pokémon to spawn. Since Greystone Park lacks its own parking lot, you will probably see all these Pokémon as you park to come visit.

Timbur had fun at Greystone Park. Hopefully that log isn’t related to the trees here. Might run into angry tree people later if that turns out to be the case.

Here I am at Greystone Park in a sweater. This might be the most bundled up I have ever been for the travel blog. Hopefully the weather warms up soon. I like being in shorts.

There are a ton of parks near me and I won’t be in Illinois nearly enough time to explore them all. I’ll do my best to check out what I can. Stay tuned for more adventures coming soon.

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