
Admin/ July 22, 2015/ Rants

  We have all known the feeling.  Extremely overworked.  Apathy and low energy as constant companions.  As a writer this struggle is more constant than my shadow. Work is currently taking a lot of my energy away.  Unlike just about any other job I have had, this one is not doing so due to a hostile environment.  For the first

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Why the Phrase “Get a Real Job” Is Foolish

Admin/ May 7, 2015/ Rants

Lately this statement has been coming up a lot.  And quite frequently it has been directed at me.  It irks me when people trumpet foolish statements.  Especially foolish statements created with the intent of distraction and manipulation.  Today, I will explain why those reasons are. First perhaps we should figure out what a real job is?  Like many of these

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