
Admin/ July 22, 2015/ Rants


We have all known the feeling.  Extremely overworked.  Apathy and low energy as constant companions.  As a writer this struggle is more constant than my shadow.

Work is currently taking a lot of my energy away.  Unlike just about any other job I have had, this one is not doing so due to a hostile environment.  For the first time in my life, the job I have is far more physically exhausting than anything else.

This has made it quite difficult for me to write.  When I work 5 days a week, I am forced to cram everything else into the remaining 2 days and one learns quickly just how little time is in a day when pressed.

School starts for me full swing in a month and with my future housing situation still filled with too many unknowns, it is hard for me not to be worried about my immediate future.   With my book still not selling well enough for me to quit my day job and just all the outside fears I bear, burnout is making a home in my heart.

Even as I write this blog post that I feel is directionless, I keep correcting typos every few words.  My hands meekly slither across the keyboard.  I am feeling tired, too tired to function at optimal capacity and it worries me.

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