10 Things to Keep in Mind When Friends with an Aspie Adult

Admin/ July 17, 2016/ Rants

  So I took a break from the many social media crazes and am writing a post that shows what is on my mind right now.  A nice checklist for many of you. This list of behaviors from people on the spectrum is not an end all be all list as people with Asperger’s are each unique people.  These are

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Birthright Day 6

Admin/ June 23, 2015/ Rants

Day 6 I found myself heading to a place I had long wished to see.  The City of Jerusalem beckoned, and I finally came.  First I got a chance to explore the Old City.  The place was steeped in cultures of the many nations that had risen and fallen within the area of the City.  All it really takes is

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