Centrum Glacies Session 77: Endless Waves of Shambling Mounds

Admin/ August 2, 2024/ Books, Centrum Glacies, Dungeons and Dragons

Week 77 Dungeons and Dragons Campaign in Centrum Glacies continues with the party trapped in a dangerous jungle. And with potential allies fighting off endless waves of Shambling Mounds.

Like my other campaign, I’m turning this one into a book seriesYou can check out the first one here.

Anyway, just like my other campaign, there is a whole lot going on and I don’t want to elaborate on every moving piece in the story. You can see the whole thing in the book series.

!!!Trigger Warning!!!

This story deals with a cruel world with some horrific twists. So far, this campaign has featured: Animals getting killed, Genocide, lots of body horror, evil cults, brainwashing, torture, psychological warfare, child abuse, slavery.

One of the party members had an eye gouged out and lost an arm. Not exactly the way it happens in Berserk, but that might have been the inspiration for it. The group was incinerated in lava. But rather than die, they were transformed into Demons. They might be free from these transformations for now, but only time will tell what this means for them.

!!!Final Trigger Warning!!!

The party finally fought their way through the waves of Wraiths, and although far fewer in number, several Light of the Abyss Soldiers still drew breath. They all exchanged glances as Trent in his Demon form reached their clearing.

The party asked questions about what had happened here and what the soldiers knew. In turn those soldiers informed the party that they may have been set up by someone else in the jungle. There were too many coincidences happening such as helping the Druids of Cleansing purge the forest of filth. The flames hadn’t accomplished anything except make this place more dangerous.

The Light of Abyss Soldiers offered sanctuary to let the group rest of need be. But Trent wanted to forge ahead. He pointed out that there were likely many more monsters attacking other survivors. So they sat and rested just long enough to catch their breath before moving on.

They were informed that some Druids of Cleansing were in a clearing to the south of their location. Unfortunately the section between where they stood and that clearing was pitch black. The closest torches were near the Druids themselves.

Shambling Mounds

The party cautiously left the protective light and exposed themselves to toxic spores. Only Trent was safe as his Demon form was immune to poison.

Worse, monsters emerged from the ground itself in that dark place. And Trent knew immediately what they faced given that he had controlled such creatures within his own forest. These were Shambling Mounds that had been corrupted like the rest of the forest.

Such creatures were large enough to engulf and strangle an adventurer. But Teztcal and Trent were currently too big to grab. Meanwhile Jyona and Caic had other means of escape if they were snared. Knowing not to use fire, the group quickly dispatched the monsters. Speed was of the essence as the toxic spores in the air would kill them before long.

They moved onwards towards the lights and heard fighting ahead. They fought against more Shambling Mounds. These ones were trying to get into the nearby Druid Camp.

Like before the party was well equipped to fight these creatures. And the Druids of Cleansing fared far better against them than the Light of Abyss Soldiers had against the Wraiths. Much faster than the prior battle to save the Soldiers, the monsters were cleared out.

Wrap Up

The group steeled themselves for a potential confrontation. Trent was under Zinbella’s protection as he completed his Druid Trial. But the last time the party had encountered the Druids of Cleansing, they had been clear enemies with the party. Would this time be different?

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