Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Spring to Spring Trail North 3

Admin/ June 29, 2024/ Uncategorized

I explored Spring to Spring Trail North 3 for my next adventure. There were some new additions to the landscape, as well as the standard Volusia County Swamps.

For the first segment of Spring to Spring Trail North 3 I found the same sort of environment as the last part. This entire section was owned by Duke Energy. And lots of fences barbed and not kept me and other travelers out of their property.

Some sections at least used natural plants as a barrier. Those are much nicer to look at than barbed wire fences. It takes away from the illusion of going on a hike. Though the large power lines also gave away how close to civilization I stood.

At the end of this section, I found a map as well as a short description of the solar panel farm that Duke Energy had built fences to keep me out of. I could almost see them from where I stood. And once I traveled farther along, I found them.

The Solar Farm

For the second leg of Spring to Spring Trail North 3, I continued past Duke Energy’s solar farm. It came right into view to my south as the trail turned west towards the train tracks that Sunrail, Amtrak, and Freight make use of to go through Orlando.

Parts of the trail were wet from a prior storm. It was clear that this area had seen a lot of rain recently. A good thing too since we have had drought conditions here in Florida for a bit now. The trees had water too. The first few times I felt water drip down, I looked up to see if it was raining again. The sky in these pictures answers that question clearly.

Other than Duke Energy, the rest of the area around the trail was dominated by the greenery one would expect to find in Volusia County. I have long run out of words to describe the endless sea of green at this point, but its still pretty to look at after all this time.

Along the Tracks

The third section of Spring to Spring Trail North 3 took me away from Duke Energy but the fences remained. Notably to the west of me was those tracks I mentioned earlier. I tried my best to get photos of them as they peeked through the trees. This section of track has been under construction as Sunrail works towards opening a new station in DeLand, Florida.

Leaving industrial parks mostly behind, these segment turned back into the green walls of forest and swamps that this blog and anyone reading it have seen many times before. But on either side, if one looks carefully they can find that there is much more hidden here.

I’ll leave uncovering clues to you though. Instead I continued on my way and found a sign that talked about the importance and danger of sinkholes. Such events can permanently change landscape as well as cause roads to be redirected. This trail for example, had to take a non straight route due to an area that was shaped by one.

Towards the Trailhead

For the final section of Spring to Spring Trail North 3, I continued north following the tracks and river to my west. There were some pretty plants along the way. I’m always glad to see alternate methods to fences used. Especially in a forest like this.

One side did have a fence, but it kept some curious investigators away from me. Two dogs must guard the property to the east of the trail. They barked and growled I think at my passing. I was glad that they had a fence between me and them. I’m not sure if a green barrier would have kept them away. Also, I had a feeling they were not trying to say hello.

Beyond the fences and green walls, I reached the end of the day’s adventure. A large bridge marked where the next trailhead stood. And I didn’t want to spoil the surprise and show it prematurely. Just know that I’m really excited about the next segment. And you should be too.

Pokémon Go

I didn’t get a chance to get a picture of the trail in Pokémon Go. Though I will say that this was another instance of high spawns and low Pokestop density. It wasn’t zero like the other spot proceeding it at least. The trail had three spots along Spring to Spring Trail North 3 to earn some items. One spot was even a gym. Though the gym was at the trailhead itself.

As for biomes, I found forest, field, flower field, river, and lake. The first three were by far the most common though. The other two only appeared in one spot.

As for the egg hatches, the Togepi and Amura were good hatches. The rest not so much.

I’m walking a different Primape from before. This one is destined for greatness in Great League once I can evolve it into an Annihilape. But that means I’ll likely have another buddy the next time I go an adventure. That’s never a bad thing though.

Wrap Up

You can almost see the bridge behind me. But I won’t reveal those secrets to you just yet. Of course you are more than welcome to come check out the trailhead on Spring to Spring Trail North 3 and find out before I reveal the answer. If not though, I’ll show you what lies beyond in one of my future adventures.

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