Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Sedge Meadow Forest Preserve

Admin/ June 28, 2023/ Illinois, North Illinois, Pokémon Go, Travel, Video Games

I was still in Illinois and there was still plenty more to explore around the Des Plaines River Trail. Sedge Meadow Forest Preserve marked the next part.

Mile Marker 4.75

I didn’t travel to Sedge Meadow Forest Preserve alone. My brother and father accompanied me on this one. Though they did request no pictures with them included. So you will just have to take my word on that.

As you might notice from on the sky we were worried about rain. For that reason we chose to do the park rather than the next segment of the trail. Of course that originally was my intent. I had considered going to the next part to go on a longer walk with my brother and dad since I don’t get to visit often. But we only decided to go as far as weather would allow. And you will have to keep reading to see how that went.

Sedge Meadow Forest Preserve is actually a trailhead for the Des Plaines River Trail. Just like with several trails in Florida, Trailheads sometimes have extra paths to check out that split off from the main trail. Some of what I walked is not included in the upcoming mile marker. Just something to clarify. Not sure if anyone cares about that besides me.

Speaking of mile markers, when I did return to the trail, I passed 4.75. Some of the mile markers have been consistent while others not so much. Its created some larger written sections in prior posts due to that inconstancy. The grouping of photos above is a smaller one. Even with the addition of the park.

Mile Marker 5

Sedge Meadow Forest Preserve is a single loop that deviates from the trail and circles around a lone marsh. It looks a lot like the earlier sections of the Des Plaines River Trail. Which makes sense given that the trail does go through several protected marshlands in northern Illinois. Its a beautiful look into what this state once looked like.

Beyond the park, I went back to the trail proper and continued south. A map told me how far we had to the next trailhead, and it would have been quite a walk. The chances of us making it to there without dealing with lots of rain decreased every moment. Notably because the rain had started to fall and with increased frequency with every step.

I still made a good amount with my brother and dad though. We got through the entire park and even another almost half mile down the trail. I can only estimate the proper length, but the fact that I passed mile marker 5 along the way helped narrow that calculation down.

Beyond Sedge Meadow Forest Preserve and a little past Mile Marker 5, the rain really picked up. Unfortunately that meant it was time to turn back. Still I consider this adventure a success. I made it past the park. And this trail isn’t going anywhere.

Next time I’ll be going farther down the trail. But I’m not sure when that will be. I’ll be leaving Illinois before I can go on another adventure. Don’t worry though, that means more adventures in Florida.

Pokémon Go

Let’s take a look at Sedge Meadow Forest Preserve under the Pokémon Go lens. Unfortunately, my dad and brother don’t play Pokémon Go. How unfortunate indeed because this was a great spot to play. Plenty of stops all around and even a Pokémon Gym by the entrance.

I caught plenty of Pokémon here. And had space to walk while hatching eggs too. All in all, a perfect spot to play Pokémon Go, as well as a place to visit. You can’t go wrong here. Or with the greater trail around it.

Garchomp was my buddy as I traveled Sedge Meadow Forest Preserve. The Landshark Dragon will likely be my buddy a bit longer since I’m still working on that “Get 10 Buddys” Jirachi Quest. The Dragon doesn’t seem to mind though.

Due to the rain, I didn’t get a selfie while visiting. Sorry everyone. There will be plenty more pictures of me as I continue exploring the world though. Whether it be Illinois, Florida, or elsewhere.

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