Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Coast to Coast Trail Finale

Admin/ December 9, 2022/ Central Florida, Florida, Trails, Travel, Video Games

After several circumstances that prevented me from going on this adventure, it was finally time to hike the Coast to Coast Trail finale.

Beyond Mile Marker 12:

I may have gone a little overboard with pictures for Coast to Coast Trail Finale. I have not been on a proper adventure in over two months due to two hurricanes and Nanowrimo. So I had a lot to get out of my system. Of course the main reason for my excitement is what happened to be at the end of this adventure.

This segment of the trail follows US Highway 1 south towards Titusville. The Kennedy Space Center and the ocean are nearby. Though neither are close enough to be seen in any of these pictures. Instead its a lot of green. Which is a bit different from the last segment which was filled with industrial parks.

Farmlands and neighborhoods dot the landscape here. With high land value given how close the ocean is, not to mention US 1 itself being a major north south road and its no surprise. The signs advertising issues I oppose was not a surprise either. I do live in Florida and many counties outside of the inner cities believe in a political ideology I find abhorrent. But I don’t live here and changing their ideas is a waste of time.

Along US 1:

Once again, I apologize for the photo explosion in the above section, but this segment of Coast to Coast Trail Finale had a lot to look at. The green way continued but once more was dotted with industry here and there. I don’t think I need to elaborate again why the area why US 1 is such a valuable place to be.

Another feature that stuck out was the number of churches that backed up to the trail. Tons of churches everywhere here. I guess that shouldn’t surprise me. The United States is known for the churches on every street corner. And despite how I might act, I do live in the south.

One feature a bit more unique to this section though, was the abandoned gas station. At least it looks abandoned. Maybe it just has odd hours. Though if the hours are strange I imagine its hard to keep the business open at all. Seems a shame since its located right on US 1 and with a bike trail in its backyard. Maybe someone will renovate the property and turn it into something new.

The Mile Markers seemed to stop at this point. Instead I saw signs showing how significant this trail is. The Florida Government maintains many of the trails I have hiked, but this one had a special shield and sign that you can see pictured above.

One Final Bridge:

Coast to Coast Trail Finale was soon to reach its finale. But before I could get to the end, I got to cross a bridge. It was a bit mind blowing to realize the significance of this bridge. I use to come to Titusville once a week for Dungeons and Dragons. And had passed this bridge before. Noticing it was a trail, I was curious to know where it went.

Several years later and I finally got my answer. Mostly cause I was too lazy to go on Google Maps and figure it out. It worked out in the end though. Imagine my pleasant surprise as I crossed the bridge for the first time on foot.

By this point, the trail had left US 1 behind, never to see it again. Though that might sound like the end of some tragedy, in reality, I was simply nearing the end. It would be like saying this trail would never see Lake Monroe again.

But away from US 1, downtown Titusville is visible from the bridge. Although as it turned out, I was the perfect height to be obstructed while looking down from it. I had crouch down a bit to get some of the pictures of the busy street below. But I feel the photos were worth it. As was this entire journey.

The End:

Adventures tend to be exciting. Well except when they are not. But this wasn’t that type of adventure. Instead, this was one of discovery and watching a goal I set up years ago finally complete itself. Coast to Coast Trail Finale has an end like all trails do. And I finally had reached it.

Admittedly the ending is nothing exciting. The wider bike path simply shrinks to a sidewalk in an industrial park. Downtown Titusville is reachable on foot from here so its not a dead end.

Still one wouldn’t realize what they have found, if they entered this trail from this end and kept going. I wonder how remarkable that would be. Is there a lesson that the journey is more important than the destination? Probably. Still it feels good to at long last complete this journey.

Its complete and it still feels surreal as I write about it. I wonder where I will travel next? There are tons of trails to explore nearby. This one had a few cross its path that I can look into. It might be the end of this trail, but hardly the end of my adventures.

Pokémon Go:

Let’s take a look at Coast to Coast Trail Finale in Pokémon Go. The trail has plenty of spawns. No question there. It had Pokestops here and there too. But, if you are looking to just play Pokémon Go in this area, go over to downtown Titusville. Its an even better experience and you will get to check out some parks that I have covered in this blog in the past.

If you look carefully, a few of the stops in the background have been spun before. They added new ones to some of the parks, but I swear I have been to them before. Oh right, this trail. Great place to hatch eggs with plenty of spawns. But to avoid running out of items, be sure to check out the nearby parks.


I walked quite far and had a lot of incubators so plenty of eggs hatched on this adventure. And might I say, this might be one of the best batches of eggs I have ever hatched on this blog. A shiny Noibat? And a shiny Espuur too? Might as well not play the lottery cause that luck has been spent.

The Rockruff has perfect Individual Values (IVs) as you can see in the picture. And that Mareanie is quite strong as well. Not normal for my to keep most of my hatches. I couldn’t be more pleased than this.

I have been traveling with a Goomy for a bit. And during the walk, decided it was time to evolve it into Sliggoo. Won’t be long before it can turn into a mighty Goodra. A shame that you all didn’t get to see it as my traveling companion much. But its been following me around since October when hurricane Ian hit. Enjoy this cuteness while you can.

Using the incense wasn’t really needed since there were tons of spawns. But I did so anyway. There is a fighting type event happening in the game as of me writing this post. That explains all the fighting types I ran into on the walk. Strange that I keep finding Armaldo though. Just a thought.

Wrap Up:

I wonder what onlookers would have thought, seeing me take a ton of pictures in what looks like an empty street near an industrial complex. To them this might just be a messy corner of Titusville. But to me, this spot marks the end of a journey that I started in a strange time before Covid 19 existed. I have survived that pandemic and managed to complete that journey.

Had some stops along the way and even moved to another city for a year. But I am finally at the end of a journey that started with a single step. It will take some time for me to process that its finally over. But it won’t prevent me from going on new adventures. I wonder where I’ll go next?

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