Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Landon Park

Admin/ April 30, 2021/ Florida, North Florida, Travel

Next up on my San Marco adventure was Landon Park. Since this is a children’s playground, I took extra care with picture taking. Let’s see what I found.

Landon Park is split into two separate sections. The first of them was in use by multiple families. You can tell based on the angles of these images that I was careful in making sure no one ended up in these photos. It took a bit of work and its a shame that thee were entire sections of this park that won’t make it onto the blog.

Anyway, the area around Landon Park is upscale. This is a well off neighborhood with some magnificent houses. If you look closely, you can see one of the main reasons for the upscale appearance. The Saint Johns River is in some of these home’s backyards. A park right down the street is going to look nice as well.

Butterfly Garden:

The second area of Landon Park interested me far more. The children playing in the park didn’t seem to share my enthusiasm for this section. While I am saddened by that since this part of the park was stunning, I can understand why.

The main feature of this part of Landon Park is the butterfly garden. A mural right at the edge of this section talks about the life cycle of Monarch Butterflies. I actually saw a few while visiting, but it might be hard to see them in the images. They were moving around after all.

Beyond the garden sat a few open spaces. I’m not sure if people use this space as actively. Seemed to me that nature was in control of this area’s appearance. That isn’t a problem though. When we visit parks, we are entering nature’s home. It is our responsibility to help take care of it.

Pokémon Go:

So I have mentioned the finer points of Landon Park in the real world. How does it measure up in Pokémon go? Well comparatively speaking, a whole lot better than the last few places I visited. First off, this spot is considered a park in game. That means spawns are more plentiful.

Also the park has two Pokestops in easy range of one another. But the most important aspect of Landon Park in Pokémon Go is the fact that its a nest. While I was here, an event was going on in game. Yet a Pokémon not part of the event, Starly, kept appearing. That’s how I can verify.

All in all, despite this being a children’s playground and butterfly garden, it might be worth your while to visit Landon Park if the nest Pokémon ends up being something you need. So I rate it better than a few of the other places I visited recently. Though if you are not looking for a specific nest, there are much better parks to check out.

As this Eevee draws ever nearer to becoming an Espeon, I am making sure it gets plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors. Its becoming a Pokémon that is effected by the sun after all.

It was crowded at Landon Park, so the mask came on. Also, to avoid getting other people in this photo, I had to face the sun once again. I really need to stop doing that. It makes me look sad or grumpy in all my photos. I go to parks because I enjoy exploring. Don’t let these pictures fool you.

Wrap Up:

The next place I’m traveling to is actually visible on the Pokémon Go image above. But I’m not gonna tell you where. You will get your answer in my next blog post.

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