Exploring the World With Pokemon Go: Des Plaines River Trail
While in Illinois, I wanted to visit one last place before I returned to Orlando. The Des Plaines River Trail has a special place in my upbringing.
What I Found:

Sadly, thanks to regional flooding in Illinois, this was all I could get photo wise. This is truly a shame. The Des Plaines River Trail trail is a truly beautiful area filled with river, forests, fields, and even urban areas. But when I visited, most of the trail was underwater.
I would advise those who get a chance to visit Gurnee, Illinois where this trail is located to take a look. But considering that rain is continuing to hit the area as of me writing this blog post, I imagine that it will still be some time before that will be possible.
Also a fun little note for those of you who live in Orlando. That bridge pictured above crosses a road that many of you should be very familiar with. That road is US 41. The infamous Orange Blossom Trail is also known by US 441. Thus the road sitting below this bridge is the route that Orange Blossom Trail is a spur route to. Pretty funny and incredible to think that in my life, I have never been more than 50 miles from this highway.
I failed to get any pictures of this region in Pokemon Go. And let me advise that the part of the trail I explored was completely empty of Pokemon and Stops. However, I saw regions of the trail that were closed off that looked promising.
My next blog post will be back in Florida. It was fun to explore places from my childhood. But it will be nice to be back in Florida, my home. I have a major exploration project on the horizon. It will be one of the most ambitious trails I have ever explored. Look forward to that soon!