Exploring the World With Pokemon Go: Downey Park
After trying to go elsewhere, I remembered that there was a park at the corner of Dean Road and East Colonial Drive (State Road 50) Lets see what I discovered at Downey Park in Orlando, Florida.

Downey Park is designed in such a way that there are two similar areas on opposite ends of the lake that shares its name with the park. Don’t worry about the water pictures. I only took a couple of those. I was far more interested in the park itself. Before coming here, I had been told this was a nest in Pokemon Go.
I walked from one side to the other. Sadly my choices were either the grass or the road. I opted to share my area with the cars. All along the grass were giant dirt piles. Anyone who has either lived in Floirda or visited can tell quite painfully what their experiences with the Fire Ants was all about. I wanted to encounter fictional critters, not the real ones.

I explored both halves of the park. However, I could not get good shots of the playgrounds thanks to the children at play. Once again and I will say it till I am blue in the face, how much I avoid taking pictures of children in public. Instead, here is a picture of the lake. And two others of the path are here right along side it.
Pokemon Go:

Downey Park is a fantastic place to play Pokemon Go. There is a nest here as well as many Pokestops and two gyms. There is plenty of space to walk eggs as well. All and all, a place that one can go to if they need the Nest Pokemon or want something other than the big spots. At the moment of this blog post’s writing, Poliwag is the Pokemon in question.

After the many eggs which were only average at best, I got ahold of my first Munchlax. He will make a great Snorlax one day. Look forward to even more tomorrow!