Centrum Glacies Interlude: The Legend of Teztcal

Admin/ October 27, 2022/ Books, Dungeons and Dragons

Five years before the story started, a young Dragon with no name found themselves in the desert on the Abyssal Continent. That Dragon would soon choose the name Teztcal. Let’s take a look at what happened.

The nameless Dragon lived on the Abyssal Continent. They didn’t know who they were and continued wandering through life confused and in a daze. Deep in the desert they lived in the ruins of a once thriving town. When bored, he would go out into the desert to look for food and purpose.

While on this particular walk, he found himself in a remote corner of the desert, with sands that opened up and pulled him below the ground. The nameless dragon wasn’t worried for his life since it didn’t feel like one. So he simply let the dust take him where it would.

Instead of dying, the nameless Dragon found himself in a cave. And not by himself. There was a book on the ground. And curiosity drew him towards it. Clearly a book called the Necronomicon was a safe book to read. Not that the nameless Dragon would know that.

While doing his best to read the book, the Dragon read about a mighty hero Dragon and realized that he was Teztcal a legendary Dragon just like the hero. He would soon have his new powers that he somehow gained from a book tested.

Unfortunately, this cave was not empty. Tended to quite common in a dangerous place like this desert. And not just anyone. But the young Dragon was ignorant in the ways of the world and didn’t know who they were. Just that there were several Dark Elves present.

Over the next few years, a Dark Elf named Jarrar taught him how to use magic. Teztcal appreciated those willing to serve him and teach him more secrets of the world. The other Dark Elves mostly stayed away from the Dragon. Probably because they couldn’t handle his power.

But as he gained power, Teztcal felt like there was something strange he wasn’t aware of. One day he asked Jarrar and the Dark Elf decided to answer that question. Out in that very same desert where this adventure had started, he encountered a terrifying monster. A Demon in fact. But with his new powers, that wasn’t anything dangerous.

After fighting and defeating the Demon, Teztcal decided that he could do things on his own. Jarrar asked him where he was going, but the Dragon felt no need to explain. He left the Dark Elf and returned to the unnamed village.

But the people who had trained him almost immediately sought him out. Turned out they were desperate for Teztcal’s power. He was an almighty Dragon after all. Who wouldn’t want his power? His Dark Elf friend asked him to come with him on a special mission. And there was no reason to say no.

He followed Jarrar into the Crystal Forest and fought some Demons. Though the environment was different the battles were the same. Though this time around the opponents were stronger. Jarrar didn’t need to help. Teztcal was a powerful Dragon after all. But the Dark Elf contributed if even just a little.

But things took a turn for the worse. The grass rotted away and heralded another Dark Elf that Teztcal had not met. Calling himself Jak-Rath he trapped them both and made them fight maggots. Making statements about betrayal all the while. The Dragon felt rage at being called a traitor. He had betrayed nothing.

They made it through the encounter. But those words about betrayl seemed to mean something to Jarrar. He asked Teztcal why he had left the Cult of Obsideon. The Dragon had no idea what the Dark Elf was talking about.

Rather than asking further, he returned to the hidden town Jarrar in tow. They rested in the town but Jarrar seemed a little more hostile than before. This didn’t make sense to the Dragon.

A couple days later, Dragon fought another Dragon in the desert. But the weaker one was no match for him. After all, while learning magic, Teztcal had learned a new trick.

Teztcal transformed into his true Dragon form and easily won. His Dragon heritage was stronger than this almost fake lizard. But the real battle wasn’t against a Dragon. The Cult of Obsideon appeared all around the two and declared the two traitors marked for death.

The world spun and the Dragon fell over. Some spell overpowered him and he couldn’t block out the effects.

When he awoke, he and Jarrar had been locked up in a Cult base. The Dark Elf was panicking about how they were going to die. And how they needed to escape. Well a Dragon could not be contained. So the two broke out quickly and ran out of the base. Good thing Jarrar had been here before.

Once they made it to the entrance though, Teztcal learned the truth of what was happening. Jarrar was a traitor! He had cast the spell that had knocked them out earlier. And now he did it again. That wasn’t fair.

Teztcal once more awoke alone. But this time out in a cold place. He hadn’t been here before. And he also hadn’t seen the creepy clown thing that was now talking to him. Said clown claimed that he had betrayed the Cult of Obsidian and that death was the least of his concerns. The creepy creature left and the Dragon had no way to get away from this place.

That was until another mysterious person appeared. This time a woman. Another Dark Elf, but she seemed different. She helped him navigate the tundra since he didn’t know where he was, and led him to an Orc encampment.

Once they arrived, the Dark Elf woman warned him to be careful as the Cult would still come after him. Teztcal still had no idea what she was talking about. But he made a few Orc friends before they escorted him through the town with magic and set him on the path towards home.

The Dragon had been on a whirlwind adventure. But now he needed to rest before the world experienced his splendor again.

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