Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Green Springs Park
For my next adventure, I visited Green Springs Park. The green color comes from the sulfur in the water. A smell that I am all too familiar with.
Green Springs Park is a little smaller than nearby Gemini Springs, but in this case, that wasn’t a problem at all. In fact, I prefer this park to the other one for one significant reason. Almost all of this spring is covered in trees and shade.
This summer continues to bring the heat. And the Sunshine State earns its nickname. Any reprieve from the sun’s gaze is good for me. Well enough about the heat, lets talk about the park.
Green Springs gained its name from its green water. I already mentioned above why the water is green, but lest you already forgot, its cause there is sulfur mixed in. Plenty of signs near the water warn of the extent of the law coming after you should you swim in the water, but I’m here to offer another reason not to take a dip. Sulfur is an acid. You do not want to swim in that water. It will burn, you will feel pain. Don’t do it.
Important History:
Of course there is more to Green Springs Park than the springs filled with green acid. Plenty of hiking trails dot the area that circle back on each other. You won’t get lost back here but you can easily walk around without going back and forth on the same walkway.
There is also a playground right near the entrance for the little ones. It wasn’t in use when I was here. Probably due to a combination of the summer heat, it being a weekday, and the fact that Green Springs is known for its springs.
There were also quite a few signs dotting the park explaining the history not just of the springs themselves, but the nearby towns. Debary, Deland, and Deltona all have rich histories in Florida. And I got to learn a little about each one.
While there is plenty to do at Green Springs, the main event is of course the springs themselves. And now that you have an even better view of the water, I will remind you again should you ever come here, don’t go in the water. Not only is it a federal crime, but you also be hurt. Sulfur is not good for your skin. And should it react with certain things like sweat, it can create a reaction that releases poisonous gas too.
Enjoy this spring from a distance. Hike around the trails and even observe the nearby river that flows past the spring. Just don’t be dumb and go in the water. Oh, and don’t climb the trees over the water either. Instead use that brain to learn all about the area from the many signs posted about.
Pokémon Go:
Green Springs has plenty of spawns and several Pokestops and Gyms for those who come here to play Pokémon Go. The best spots are right around the water naturally since that is where the important landmarks are. So if you are willing to brave the mosquitos and Florida sun, Green Springs will not disappoint in and out of game.
Once again I hatched a Pikipek from an egg while another one spawned in the wild at the same time. I’m not sure why this Pokémon is in 2k eggs at all, but that’s the breaks. Usually 2k eggs do not have high priority Pokémon to begin with, but this is ridiculous.
Sandile had fun as always. Given that I have some longer trails to hike in the near future. Our adventuring together will be coming to a close soon. But look how happy the croc has been on each adventure. No regrets there.
Here I am once more with a hat. I also wore green. It felt appropriate at Green Springs Park. Naturally I did not go in the water. And neither should you. I’ll be checking out some nearby parks next, but the trail awaits and there are some long walks to be had when I return.