Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Maitland Community Park
I decided it was time to explore again. This time I went to another nearby town. Maitland Community Park was my first stop in Maitland, Florida.

Maitland Community Park has a lot to offer. The sign at the entrance even says so. Jokes about false advertising aside, there really is a lot to do here. And unlike many other places I have visited recently, that even includes the spots adjacent to the parking lot.
Many parks keep parking separate from the park and partition it so that its almost a different experience. But this park is different. The parking lot is in the middle with all the attractions and places of interest all around. That way, you just pick a direction and are able to better enjoy the day.
From picnic spots, to green spaces, there is tons to do at Maitland Community Park. So much in fact that I needed to avoid entire sections due to crowds. As always I avoid taking pictures of strangers. This is my blog, and they did not consent to be a part of it.

Before entering the woods, I decided to get a full look at the other half of Maitland Community Park. The greenspaces were not crowded so I got a chance to take several pictures of them. However, the nearby playgrounds and basketball courts were off limits for the purposes of the blog. Ya know, consent and all that.
But despite them missing from the pictures above, I promise that Maitland Community Park has playgrounds, basketball courts, and tennis courts too. Want to verify my claims? I won’t stop you from coming here. In fact, I encourage you to do so.
Into the Woods:

While the outer areas of the park were cool in their own right, the best parts of Maitland Community Park were located in the woods. Right away you can see the workout machines. Several parks have these set along trails. And I never tire of seeing them. Probably because I’m not using them. Maybe I should change that. I could lose a few pounds and build some muscle that way.
If I had to voice any complaints, it was that the bugs ate me alive in here. Summer is growing nearer and the spring attracts all the annoying insects. And as you sweat in the Florida sun, you only attract more of them. But feeling muggy is a small price to pay when visiting these parks.

As I finished my tour of Maitland Community Park, I found a few benches to sit on. Its nice that these places are becoming more and more accessible to people of all ages and abilities. I am lucky enough to be able to walk for hours on end without rest, but for those who cannot, it is unfair that more places do not have spots where you can rest.
For me though, there is little time to rest. As I continue to get older, I’ll have to deal with more and more problems. So I better explore as much as I can before my body decides to have other plans. And who knows? Maybe I’m prepping for a disaster that will never happen. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing?
Pokémon Go:

Maitland Community Park was a wonderful place to explore in reality. But how does it measure up in Pokémon Go? Quite well actually if the markers and Pokestop density were not good indicators. The entire time I was here consisted of spawns and rarely was I not in range of a Pokestop. All in all for whatever reason you choose to come here, disappointment will not be one of them.
The gyms are all EX Raid eligible. One day when the Covid Pandemic finally comes to an end these special raids will return. Its worthwhile to try and figure out how to enter them now while there is a pause.

Well I hatched a Tyrogue. Nothing too exciting there. A shame with there being a half distance hatching event with so many better choices. Maybe my next post will yield better results.

Sandile is back. And it totally wasn’t missing because its Pokémon Trainer kept forgetting to take pictures or anything. While its more at home in the desert, the desert croc Pokémon still enjoyed itself here in the swamps in Florida.
Wrap Up:

Here I am enjoying myself at Maitland Community Park with a genuine smile on my face. And most exciting for me is that there is a trail that starts near this park and continues west. I’ll be checking that out next. All in all, there is plenty for me to see and enjoy in Maitland. This blog will share much of it.