Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Kewannee Trail East

Admin/ March 31, 2022/ Central Florida, Florida, Trails, Travel, Video Games

After checking out the nearby park, I traveled to Kewannee Trail East. I decided to split the adventure into two parts.

I started my journey down Kewannee Trail East by the Semoran Skate Park. These trail adventures help me discover places only spotted on maps. While looking at maps is in itself a fun activity, there is something special about exploring a place in person.

This is a trail so naturally I spotted each mile marker. I’m glad I picked the start of the trail and not the end. I probably would have confused myself if I had gone the opposite way first.

Beyond the skate park, Kewannee Trail takes a straight path through the woods. Or rather what would be woods if there were not countless homes built in them. Fences of different sizes keep people on the trail. To my left sat a creek. On the right, people’s private property.

It was a beautiful day. You can see in the images that the sky was basically bright blue without any clouds in the way. But that also meant it was hot out. And since I was still recovering from depression and allergies too, I wasn’t able to stay outside as long as I wanted.

Given that as I passed mile marker 0.25 I was already beat explains why I decided to cut this journey into two segments. While I was embarrassed at the time, in hindsight it was the right move. Covid 19 weakened my body. Depression kept me from recovering. Allergies have made me sick again. I’m not the man I used to be. Its going to take a lot of work to regain what I lost.

Mile Marker 0.5:

The final section of Kewannee Trail East was the longest segment picture wise by far. Here is where I found a majority of spots that captured my attention and thoughts. Given how covered in sweat I was, anything to distract me from the Florida humidity was welcome.

From signs warning of surprise trucks, to spots talking about how the water flows in this region, there was a lot to look at and try to understand on this section of the trail. The forest grew a bit more dense as well. The houses left behind and let nature take back over this area. A welcome change.

I barely saw anyone as I finished my hike down the trail. Truly a shame. This entire area is wonderful. The park nearby has an entire post dedicated to it for a reason after all. With how I felt after this little adventure, I couldn’t wait to explore the rest of the trail. Since I stopped right around mile marker 0.5, there is plenty of adventure left.

Pokémon Go:

In my haste to get out of the sun, I did not get pictures of Pokémon Go at all. Which is a shame, because it was a decent place to play the game. Though given the close proximity to the park that shares its name with this trail, I recommend going there instead for a pure Pokémon Go experience. All in all though Kewannee Trail East is worth checking out to hatch some eggs and catch plenty of mons along the way.

Wrap Up:

Here I am covered in sweat and happy to have some freedom from depression for a bit. A welcome reprieve after how difficult some of the proceeding weeks have been. I’m ready for more adventures despite the heat increasing.

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