Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Casselberry Greenway Trail 2

Admin/ March 17, 2022/ Central Florida, Florida, Trails, Travel, Video Games

As it turns out, I get to write a post about Casselberry Greenway Trail 2. Turns out there are two separate trails that bear the same name.

Casselberry Greenway Trail 2 looks a lot like the first segment. But I swear its a different location. Starting at Wirz Park, the trail heads west away from many of my most recent adventures. Quickly the path crosses a couple neighborhood streets before moving between housing complexes and soccer fields.

Also tucked in this little pocket of Florida sat an area for electrical equipment. I’m not sure what they are called. I’m not an electrical engineer and don’t want to say the wrong thing and have one lecture me about spreading misinformation.

I want to take a moment and talk about how I was feeling when I went on this adventure. In some prior posts I mentioned how my depression was getting worse and worse. When I took this hike, those emotions had spiraled out of control. I had to force myself every step forward. It was a miracle I managed to get in my car and travel here at all.

I’m doing much better now as I write this review. But when I visited Casselberry Greenway Trail 2, I was not ok. Mental illness is serious. If you are feeling overwhelmed, never be ashamed to reach out to someone you trust.

Away from the Parks:

The second segment of Casselberry Greenway Trail 2 looked a lot like the first section. I didn’t mind though. Mentally I was in a haze after all. Just being outside was helping combat my mental prison. I had to look at the pictures to even remember that I had traveled here at all.

To avoid talking about depression further, I want to comment on how wonderful the weather was. The clouds in the sky complimented the day. Not too bright out, but not too dim either. Really it was a perfect day to explore.

It amazes me sometimes when I realize just how many trails exist in Central Florida. Many of the places I have visited take me past spots I drive by several times a week. I’ll elaborate more on that in a moment.

Crossing Winter Park Drive:

The next section of Casselberry Greenway Trail 2 took me past Winter Park Drive and beyond. I had noticed the trail crossing as I explored the rest of Casselberry, but I assumed this was the same section of trail that I had visited the first time initially. It took me going to Wirz Park to see the bigger picture.

Beyond that road, the trail followed a side street past some houses on one side and a watershed on the other. Florida has lots of watersheds. But no matter how many are added, its probably not enough given how this place looks nothing like it did when humans first found it.

At least the animals that still call this corner of Florida home have adapted. Guess I shouldn’t be all doom and gloom. At least the people who built this trail and the watersheds near it gave greenspace back to nature. Could be worse in retrospect.

As I rounded the final corner of this segment, I saw a familiar road. If I was surprised earlier that this trail was in two segments, then what I found next was much more than I anticipated.

Beyond a Major Highway:

Those of you who have visited or lived in Orlando might recognize this place. Well not those of you who think Disney is Orlando. That is Buena Vista. I mean those who really know Orlando should either recognize the major street in the pictures above or at least hear its name and shiver. Imagine my surprise when I realized that this trail followed Semoran Boulevard (State Road 436) for a bit.

Besides being a major cause of accidents in Central Florida, State Road 436, is also a major road that I travel on several times a week. For years on end I drove past this part of town and remained completely ignorant that a trail crossed the road here. This is not the first or second time that I have discovered this. There are several trails that cross this road. Which is both risky and impressive.

Beyond that road, the trail took my down a street that I passed several times, but never had properly driven down. Its one thing to explore a neighborhood on foot before driving down it. But this street had a stoplight intersection with a major highway. That means its important for those of you who are not city planners.

To my Next Journey:

All journeys must come to an end. My adventure down Casselberry Greenway Trail reached its conclusion at the intersection with another trail. Seeing on the map that a park was also nearby, I started planning my next adventure.

Being out in the sun for a while boosted my energy a little, but at the time I still felt weak and mentally exhausted. If I had felt better, I probably would have taken even more pictures of what I saw. Or maybe I would have noticed the mile markers. It took till the very end for me to notice that I had missed all of them. Well not all of my trail posts are the same. Differences are ok.

If you look at the above maps, that green line, or rather both green lines mark places I have already explored. I’m eager to see what I’ll find next. I hope my mood continues to improve. That level of despair was a feeling I hope to avoid for a long time.

Pokémon Go:

Pokémon Go surprised me when I opened the game up on Casselberry Greenway Trail 2. The last couple trail adventures had not compared to the parks they fed into. But I was happily surprised. Constant spawns with plenty of Pokestops along the trail meant that there was no break in the action. A good thing when on a trail and playing Pokémon Go.

All in all, while the parks in Casselberry are also good for the game, Casselberry Greenway Trail 2 itself is a prime spot to play Pokémon Go. Hatch some eggs and catch some mons. As of me writing this blog post, a bunch of new Pokémon were recently added. Why not check this trail out and catch them all?

Speaking of eggs, I hatched three of them on this adventure. And while none of these Pokémon are ones I’ll be keeping, I appreciate the candy I got for Poliwag and Chespin. I have their evolved forms and need the candy to fully power them up. What I mean to say is I wasn’t disappointed with these hatches.

Say hello to Sandile. This little desert crocodile is gonna be my buddy for a while. Get used to them. Or I’ll command them to eat you. Your flesh shall contribute to their growth. Don’t be flesh. Respect Sandile.

Wrap Up:

You can tell that I used all my energy to force this smile. My eyes are red in the picture. Its not a trick of the light. I cry a lot when I’m depressed and not afraid to admit it. This day was tough. One of the toughest in a while. As I write this post, I’m in a better place. But depression strikes without warning. And all I can do is prepare myself for my next time down that dark pit.

All I can do is find more place to explore. Being outside is my best medicine to combat despair. It doesn’t cost anything to be outside. I can do it no matter my financial situation.

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