Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Oval Park
While traveling down Seminole Wekiva Trail, I reached Oval Park. I wasn’t going to skip any nearby parks, so I set out to explore.
Oval Park initially seemed like a strange name to give a park. I saw quickly why the place is named such.
You can see from the pictures that the paths around the park going around in circles. Or at least they curve. But they are not going in circles, but ovals. Yes I know its not really a stunning revelation. The park looks a bit more interesting in aerial view though.
Anyway, aside from geometric shapes, Oval Park has a few good things going for it. The place is surrounded by affluent looking neighborhoods. The park itself is clear and spacing permits many people to use the green space safely.
Covid 19 is still a thing. Though many people around the world are just hoping it will go away. Oval Park is a place to check out if you want to be outside and away from crowds. Even if others get the same idea, there is plenty of open space for you to spend time here while social distancing.
Pokémon Go:

You can see the oval path at Oval Park a bit better in the Pokémon Go Map. With that out of the way, why don’t we talk about how this park measures up to others when playing the game here.
Unfortunately, Oval Park only has one Pokestop. Off in the lonesome corner, this is not an optimal place to play the game if you need items. There are few spawns as well. Admittedly I was disappointed in this regard. Usually parks are the places to play the game. Pokémon Go wants players to check out green spaces. However, like the nearby section of the Seminole Wekiva Trail, this spot is not optimal compared to other nearby areas.
Come check out Oval Park for open green spaces and a pleasant walk. Pokémon Go players have better options.

Oval Park might have not had much to see compared to some of my other adventures, but to this curious little Axew simply being somewhere near is enough. Maybe we can learn something from this baby Dragon about appreciating the little things?

Don’t let my lack of excitement in the last section make you think I didn’t enjoy Oval Park. I just started a new job and needed some fresh air when I came to visit. Pokémon Go is not the only reason I go to parks. Sometimes I need some green space and some peace before I go on to deal with other adult things life throws my way.