Exploring the World with Pokémon Go: Raven Park

Admin/ June 15, 2021/ Central Florida, Florida, Travel

For my next adventure, I visited Raven Park. Its a small little spot used as a playground for kids. But exploring the world means checking out every little spot I can, even ones like this.

Raven Park is a playground and not much else. This little spot was built for locals and most importantly their kids. Still, the facilities are clean and well maintained. There was little to no litter on the ground. That is better than many other places I visited. I’m sure this place will be more crowded once the pandemic is over. Especially when its summer.

Since the space was smaller, I made sure to get a few different angles of the same spots. This can create some interesting perspective shots. Things can look large from one angle and small from another. And I’m not just talking about optical illusions.

Pokémon Go:

Raven Park suffers from a problem in Pokémon Go. The game doesn’t think its a park at all. This means less spawns and significantly less attention in game. At least this spot has a Pokestop so it has that going for it at least. And neighborhoods in general tend to be good spawning locations. Don’t play while driving though. Especially near a park where children are at play!

I’m now going on adventures with this adorable Sewaddle. It waddles everywhere as its name indicates. One day after walking enough, it will evolve into a Leavanny. It just needs time.

If you are surprised that I’m not smiling, you probably have not read my blog much. Raven Park let me go outside and be at peace for a few minutes. Don’t let my lack of a smile fool you into thinking otherwise.

Wrap Up:

There is plenty to see and do in Longwood, Florida alone. But I’ll be broadening my horizons soon after as well. Look forward to plenty more adventures. Even as more and more rain falls in Florida.

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