Exploring the World With Pokemon Go: Capehart Park
Not far from Goldenrod Road (State Road 551) and Lake Underhill Road, sits this child friendly park that I have visited in the past. Armed with Pokemon Go,I returned to Capehart Park to see what I could discover.

When one enters Capehart Park, the first thing visible is this recreation building. I am not quite sure what is inside as my exploration deals with the outdoors. However, I am certain there were multiple facilities within since I continually spotted people coming in and out.

The two pictures above showcase the most well known spots at Capehart Park. The sprinkler area is even the park image on Google! As this area is above all a child friendly park, the playgrounds are right at the front. There is more past here but I had to walk past the children’s area. I could not take more pictures here due to their presence.

Just past the playgrounds sits a basketball area. Because this park is more well known for its child friendly atmosphere, this area was empty when I explored. In hindsight, I could have gotten a better picture.
The Field:

On the other side of Capehart Park from the playgrounds and basketball court, sits this large field. It takes up roughly half of the entire park space. Unlike the empty basketball courts, the field was in use. From what I could tell, a friendly soccer match was occurring. I avoided taking pictures of the players and stayed on the outside. I think the appearance of this part of the park is still conveyed.
To the surprise of anyone who has read my other posts, there are no images of lakes. Somehow I found a park that does not have any nearby. It is not the only one, but Capehart Park joins a small minority of areas explored like this.
Pokemon Go:

Here is Capehart Park in Pokemon Go. There are 4 Pokestops and two Gyms. That already is a fair amount of resource generation. Another appeal of this location is that like many of the other parks I have explored, it is a nest. Currently, this park is spawning a lot of Clefairy alongside the winter event Pokemon.
All in all, this is a decent place to play. With the right nest, Capehart Park is worth the journey. There are certainly worse places to play. Sadly there are also better ones such as Cranes Roost and Lake Eola.

Here are the two eggs I hatched today. While the second Budew was a nice addition, I was a little annoyed with the Cleffa. After all, I had spent some time catching Clefairy, the Pokemon that she evolves into. It felt a bit cheap since there were many other Pokemon that could have come from that egg.
By the time I explore another park, 2018 will be gone. Have a happy New Year. Who knows what I will find in 2019!