Tin Foil Hat: Political Debates are all Scripted

Admin/ September 26, 2016/ Political


I am writing this post as I watch the 2016 US Presidential Election so I am bringing emotions into a blog post about conspiracy theories.  I know that is like heresy and all but I will continue anyway.

Lets look at this debate right now.  Neither candidate really looks like they are thinking or trying to figure things out.  So lets point out the reality of this debate:  Its scripted, just like professional wrestling.

Watch how Hillary and Trump don’t react with confusion when they hear each other talk.  Even when Trump goes on a diatribe and tangent like he just did moments before these words hit the page, the two don’t lose control at each other.

This whole debate along with other debates are shams.  Like any good conspiracy, it exists to control people and to trick.  This whole debate was rehearsed and prepared.  The interviewers and the candidates are doing all they can to suppress their laughter.  The TV stations are cheering as they make their way to the bank.

But sure, think that understanding candidate debates means anything.

Sweet Dreams…

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