Villains of Star Wars

Admin/ March 27, 2016/ Movies, Poems


You underestimate the power of the Dark Side.
But you overestimate the goodness, of the Light Side.

Peace is a Lie there is only Passion
The Jedi want to rule the Galaxy under a veiled concept of order.
They teach to gut passion.  Everything that makes us alive.

Through Passion I gain Strength.
The Jedi don’t want passion.
They want strength, over you. They want servants.

Through Strength I gain Power
The Jedi don’t want others to have strength.
They lose their power over the Galaxy.

Through Power I gain Victory
The Jedi will not allow any other to have power
They will not allow any victory but their own.

Through Victory, my Chains are broken.
The Jedi will not allow their slaves victory
Otherwise they will cast of our chains.

The force shall free me.
And why would the Jedi want any to run free?

Some say that our code was written in direct defiance to the Jedi.
And they are right.  We desired a galaxy where people can be free.

Free to pursue their passions.  Free to not grow complacent.
Understanding the force makes us stronger and wiser
Gutting emotions is gutting the force.

The dark side is name such because it is misunderstood.
But those who fear darkness have not seen what the light can do.

For it is the Light that destroys. Light is what deceives.
Darkness is natural.  Light is an illusion.


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